i love timecapsules don't you?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Jareth, Oct 21, 2017.

  1. Atomis Maximus Level 30

    The post I quoted said that powers/dlc's were introduced bi monthly. Neither of which is true. Earth 3 will only be near that bc RwC was an event initially. And we went nearly 2 years between powers.
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Did not bother to count them.
    Was actually guesstimating it at 50 when I made my post.
    So.... 35??? that is even lower then I thought.

    For example..... how much extra Vit do you think you can get with 35SP??
    And how does that compare when you have 7000+Vit??
    2% extra Vit???

    If you don't like Vit for some reason.... do the Math with any stats you like.
    How much extra power can you get with 35SP??
    How does that compare when you have 23000 Power???

    You guys are salty for 35SP that can give MAYBE 2% in ONE stat??? maybe??

    If you really think that 2% even matter...... there is nothing more to tell you.

    Where are your complaints for......

    Compound gives 5% to every stats.
    Soder Ultimate gives 1% to every stats.

    You guys complain about things that don't matter....
    and after that you will wonder why the Devs don't listen to you even when you have a legitimate complaint.

    There are many legitimate complaints to make concerning DCUO.....
    yes... DCUO is not perfect.....
    sadly the legitimate complaints are buried in a sea of trivial complaints.

    And then you will wonder why the Devs don't listen to what you say.

    Learn to pick your battles.

    Complaining about a few SP in TC??

    Waste of time and effort.

    Spend your time and effort to complain about something more important that really matter next time.
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  3. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Meh...I'll continue to complain when there is more than half SP that can be gained in TCs currently that is equivalent to all the SP gained in General, basic raid, and solo and duo feats..where that 2% bump in any stat can be gained by opening up a wallet. Yeah..it took some real skill to do that.

    Understanding what to do to obtain the feat is half the battle...the rest relies on skill and performance through dedication, determination and teamwork....opening up a wallet to get the same benefit is just laziness.

    It's no wonder there is a good portion of players with decent SP who suck...

    and that 2% extra vit is an extra tic of power..or a 2% extra increase in the power pool..just to make things easier in solo troll mode for those who forgo the extra tic to throw in a power pool to make life easier.
  4. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Much like wasted time and effort of arguing the benefit or non benefit of 2%? Meh..my answer is in the post above. You say potato I'll say potahto..doesnt make a bit of difference. Take care.
  5. Harlequin Devoted Player

    How is this troll bait thread still open?
  6. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I'm not saying it exactly 35.....I said 35+ meaning it is at least 35 or more.....and depend on your play style 35+ extra SP is a lot, it can be a life and death.....35 SP is the extra 2027 heath.....and to a tank that is a lot of health you missing because you don't spend extra money (from the sub$) to buy those......and also its not gonna be just that is is only what 5-6 TC......I'm pretty sure we gonna get more in the future and who know how many SP for those people like me are missing because we don't want to spend $100-$150 a month in a game.
  7. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    I'm surprised as well...someone should report this nonsense..

    God forbid that this board is more moderated than the actual game where their profits are at. Which is largely the case.

    *edit..cant be a troll post if the post is true..otherwise it's akin to slander*
  8. Multiverse Creator League


    Not exactly 35??

    So what.... are you going to start splitting hair over not exactly 35??

    What does it matter if it is 35.... 35 and a half..... or 36 three quarter and a half???
    Your going to split hair over the EXACT number?? :rolleyes::rolleyes:

    How many SP you are missing???

    You can buy everything on the Broker if you REALLY want to.

    And that is all the time I had to waste for tonight. Have a good evening. ;)
  9. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

  10. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    You're reading into what I said way to far. My point was the DLC's are regularly added and all content is available for members. If you want to get into a debate on whether or not you believe you're getting your money's worth from your membership, start a new thread.

    This thread was intended to talk about time capsules so why don't we stay on point
  11. TestReporter Loyal Player

    This discussion isn't going anywhere, i gave up. ;) A Mepps post about this would be like: "I'm gonna be quick here, time capsules are going nowhere", i don't think what we think matters for them, numbers means more than opnions in this game, always did, as far as money is going in, nothing we can do. Let's start moving guys.
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  12. Atomis Maximus Level 30

    Lol you're the one that brought it up and vastly over exaggerated trying to prove a false point.
  13. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I run with plenty of people who are lacking the better part of those 35+ skill points who can perform as well as or better than me. How much difference are those skill points making for me??? Those extra skill points are nice to have, but they won't make or break a character...your actual skill/knowledge level will always matter more...significantly more (Gear too).
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  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Exaggerating or fudging numbers is NOT how you win arguments. There's at least 300 or so skill points in the game that are not TC related...and each new episode adds to that number. What the hell kind of crack smoking math are you doing that gives you the impression that somehow TC SPs could possibly overcome the amount gained in-game????
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  15. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Not what I meant...but..if it makes you feel better..You can have it.

    I think the point was clearly made.
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    That's what it looked like from what you wrote (which was not as clear as you think it was). Either way, while the amount of TC related SPs will obviously grow to a larger number, it won't be this insurmountable amount that people keep making it out to be. For starters, new skill points get added with every episode. Secondly, the older time capsules may no longer drop, but they're still floating around on the broker and in people's banks. They can be opened at any time. Even if you don't complete the materials/auras/special cosmetics, there's still plenty of emblems and gear styles to be had directly from those boxes as well as the Caches that are in the broker. A very large percentage of those emblems and some gear pieces are dirt cheap. The Batman Rebirth emblem cache has been selling below a million on the broker. Finally there's also the possibility of resurgence events (happened before can happen again), where the older time capsules get recycled back.

    Look, I get the fact that people don't like skill points being put in to Time Capsules...and it's a legitimate beef. However, exaggerating things, outright lies or misinformation does not win your cause. The simple facts are that despite the fact that they are progression, the amount is nowhere near the breaking point people are making it out to be. Despite "stats mattering", you can indeed live without these particular sets of SPs. But if in your heart of heats can't live without them, you have options to attain most of them...and if you MUST have them all, you'll have to dedicate more time and/or money to achieve that optional goal. Even if you can't get it all, you can still get plenty, and if you stop wasting time crying about the "unfairness" of it all, you can better focus on how to earn the in-game money to get stuff from the broker.

    At the end of the day though, you're all tilting at windmills here. TCs are here to stay...and so are the Skill Points attached to them. While skill points play an important part in your toons progression, we the players have placed a greater amount of value to them then they actually have...so much so, that people feel compelled to participate in the whole TC thing even when they don't care for the cosmetics attached to them. They are taking advantage of our SP compulsion...but never forget...if we didn't make such a big deal about them, they could never dangle them in our faces like they have. Cognitive dissonance prevents you and others from seeing that we are in some way responsible for what is (to a degree).
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  17. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Tldr..but got the gist.

    And thanks for confirming that the old TCs may not be out any longer..that just puts more perspective in having to pay to gain SP that may no longer be available..due to RNG.

    Even though they MAY not surpass the feat grind, it's certainly there to remove the nature of SP in general through opening up a wallet, and that's what I really originally meant.


    What I posted wasnt a lie...or even an exageration. To think further..As it stands now, old TCs are still available and still around, and they are close to matching if not surpassing the amount of SP per episode per TC. It's bound to catch up sooner or later..assuming old TCs will still exist. TCs so far has already excelled to over half of what is earned at the end of the 1-30 tutorial, all of the basic raid feats, all of the general feats, and all the solo and duo feats and all the basic alert feats through t2...and some in t3

    But yeah sure...when putting together a group of pugs
    lets make it that much harder to identify those who believe in teamwork and hard work through dedication pays off..vs someone who has a thicker wallet, barely cutting it for their role.

    Our league performs test runs with people before we invite though. So, no skin off my nose.
  18. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    What does the 1-30 tutorial have to do with anything??? That's not the end of the game...and there are more skill points after all of that.

    The amount of skill points, no matter where or how they're earned, will never tell you anything about how good a player is. It will only tell you they have put in time, money or both. Plenty of people have been running around with large amounts of skill points with very little "skills".
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  19. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Didn't read the rest of the past 1-30 part? Forgot to add the rest..And although I agree there are plenty of people running around with high SP with no skill..it wasn't near the problem we have now..TCs are a major contributor.

    They used to show a level of competency.
  20. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Ok, come on...you're REALLY going to try to sell me on the idea that these bad players started to come into the game because of Time Capsule feats??? REALLY??? I don't know how long you've been playing or when you started reading on these forums....but bad players have been a "problem" going as far back as Tier 3-4. Matter of fact, before time capsules (the villain du jour) people blamed Replays for the glut of bad players.

    Power leveling, content skipping, Weapon Mastery/AM/CR differential...you name it, it's all been used as an excuse for why we have bad players. Now you come along and say players "buying" skill points is the reason we have bad players??? Out of all the reasons or excuses ever tossed around here, the only consistent thing anybody has ever agreed on is that a tutorial in the early part of the game is needed, some people no matter what will always be bad, and that with the better players leaving, bad players are much more noticeable.

    If you didn't know, part of the reason for the revamp was to close the gap between skilled and un-skilled players. Despite how easy AMs were, some players were falling behind badly. With the revamp, the gap between great players and the average is not as great as it used to be. All of this pre-dates Time Capsules.

    As for skill points showing a certain level of competency...that's an illusion at best. There are a small amount of feats that require people to pay attention and work as a team. There are way more that just require a certain amount of grind, or in many cases, lots of luck. There are some players around here who don't have 300+ SPs that can run circles around those that do. Some people just can't be bothered to do the tedious grind to get them. They get what they get whenever and it's good enough for them. You'll never know who these players are if you're just looking at total numbers and making grand assumptions from that alone.
    TL;DR... Bad players have been around LONG before Time Capsules were a thing, so you can't use that at all as an anti-TC argument, nor an you even begin to use it to explain bad players in general.
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