i love timecapsules don't you?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Jareth, Oct 21, 2017.

  1. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    I will table the conversation about Mr Emmert..for now...

    It still doesn't remove the fact that he is responsible for burying an SP system behind a paywall..that according to you and the other poster is just a handful...but adds up over each TC system. Progression in the smallest of percentages on a permanent table is still progression no matter how it is stacked. And as long as stats continue to matter..so will those percentages.

    It also doesn't remove the fact that in game moderation to keep things in line have been slimmed down to non existent, the current bug reporting system in place is far less streamlined, and that we have a community of testers using the testing system to meet their own agenda(with the exception of a few) is in place as well...are these the same mistakes made in other MMOs?..Dont care...I am talking about this one.
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  2. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    As a matter of fact, I do manage my own hours..I also know that every business model..at least a smart one would have contengicies in place..which is why we have seen a substantial increase in gold selling spam bots...to protect against money loss for broker sales on rare items and people are buying less into the gamble of RNG.

    Not saying DC isn't an investment..it worked fine without the need for the money attached to TCs..
  3. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Hell, there is more moderation on this
    forum than there is in game where the profits are...imagine that.
  4. Surtur Well-Known Player

    • Like x 3
  5. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    That just comes with the territory of being legendary...*shrugs*

    Considering there seems to be no agreement here..I will leave you this. If TC feats cointinue.. as a whole they will surpass the SP gained with each content release over time.
  6. Dreadshow Well-Known Player

    You can open time capsules without spending a dime by just playing the game.
    You can open more time capsules quicker by paying.

    This is not Pay2Win it's pay to have before others.
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  7. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Still doesn't remove the fact that in order to gain access to the items that are attached to feats/SP before the next release, you have to either buy into the system, or use its contingency in gold selling sites...and with the fact that stats do now matter..2 equally CRd roles who announce their SP, or get looked up by wavedox. The higher SP player will get the nod..regardless of cutoff amounts,
    leaving those with a thinner wallet behind..
  8. Multiverse Creator League

    The Truth?? Really??
    Many who thought that SP mattered BEFORE the Stat Revamp....
    sadly came to realise after the Stat Revamp that oupsie.... SP don't really matter that much after all.

    And you want to complain about a handfull of SP from TC?? Really??

    The Lion's Share of your Stats come from your gear.

    You can have your gear and 0 SP.... and play the game fine.
    No one has 0 SP. You get SP just from playing the game.
    But you don't need to SP to play the game fine.

    And a handfull of SP from TC makes no difference.

    You think SP from TC matter??

    When you have 7000+Vit.... you think a few SP from TC makes a difference???

    What next???

    A Single Compound Omega gives 5%.... in EVERY stats.

    How about the Soder Cola Ultimate that gives 1% in every stats??
    How long before you complain about that??
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  9. Dreadshow Well-Known Player

    True, but that's a community issue. So I'll give you the canned community response. Join a league!
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  10. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Hardly use them tbh...and as far as 7k vit..you will need to have around 330 to 350 minimum to spec the rest
    into power assuming you didn't mod your yellows full vit..which is a bad idea nowadays...

    Not to mention other helpful stats such as health and dom..which is useful in places such as SM and elite if one chooses to run.

    Oopsie..guess you didn't consider those.

    Again...stats even in the smallest percentage is still progression..no matter how it is stacked...and it shouldn't be behind a pay system outside of legendary.

    SP should always reflect dedication, determination, skill and teamwork( not talking about 1-30 tutorial feats)...not because one has a thicker wallet...period.
  11. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    See my signature. Then feel free to wavedox
  12. Multiverse Creator League

    Clear that you think that SP in TC makes a BIG difference... keep on thinking that. enough was said on the subject already.

    In THIS MMO..... we have had a community of tester for a long time.

    You do realise that concerning the "community of testers"....
    that system was there looooooooong before Jackster even worked at Daybreak and on DCUO.
    that system was there looooooooong before TC even existed in DCUO??

    The biggest issue with your posts is that you mix a whole bunch of stuff together...
    TC... Moderation.... Testing..... even slandering Jackster......
    you mix it all in one BIG bouillabaise....
    and end up with a mess with no logic or reason.

    Think what you will.
    We have reached the end of this discussion.

    Have a good day good Sir. ;) ;) ;)
  13. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    The truth is in the pudding...take care.
  14. BipolarDiva Loyal Player


    Now I want pudding.
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  15. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Lol..just stay away from the koolaid. Someone took a leak in that a long time ago.
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  16. Perseus Chase Committed Player

    I don't count 35+ SP a few.....do you even count how many SP you can get from TC?
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  17. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Urine trouble!!! :)
  18. stärnbock Devoted Player

    offtopic: i totally like that styles in your sign... awesome work of art!
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  19. Mosquito_1 Well-Known Player

    Shhiiit..I didn't even know it was that much although I knew it was quite a bit more than a few or "handfull". Never counted them either, but knew there was quite a bit.

    Consider this...that is over half of what the avg player gets leveling 1-30..and over half of all the general feats, basic raid feats, and solo and duo feats given for buying Cr 100..which is 60 combined SP. All gained by opening up a wallet.

    At this rate combined..TC SP will surpass any SP that is grinded naturally. It is no wonder why there are so many loving the TC koolaid...besides beefing up their game cash of course.
  20. jamiejacket Well-Known Player

    Powers is a different thing altogether.