Stats Revamp 1.3: Mental

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Shin-O-B, Jan 27, 2017.

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  1. L T Devoted Player

    I tried the shades solo a couple of times using mental:
    20 crit / 20 crit / 15 might / 15 power / 1 point in everything else / no HT mods / 4 VIII mods (might and health + 3 might and power). CR166.

    On live, the solo is really hard at CR166. So I'd say it's supposed to be really hard, but do-able at that CR. It's minimum, after all.

    I found the adds outside were laughable. I burned through them like nothing.

    Faust fight. Faust was hard, but beatable if I switched weapons to either two-handed or hand blasters. A few different load outs worked. I liked Cryokenisis being able to freeze adds here.

    Amazon adds-- cut through them like they were CR8 trash. Barely even useful for building supercharge against.

    Final fight. This one was really hard. I died over and over again. Changed my load-out several times. Finally beat it using
    • Weapon: Shield
    • Load-out: Horrific Visage - Terror Tendrils - Phantom Flames - TK Shield - Terrorize - Invisibility
    • Invisibility: Mass Hysteria - Bolt Barrage - Bastion - Sleep - Pain Blast - Reflect Pain

    Using Mass Hysteria a couple of times was the key to victory for me, and I needed the supercharge builder in order to use it often enough to defeat the boss.

    I'm not sure I could beat the boss on live at CR166 with so few skill points and no home turf mods. Never actually tried with mental. I can beat this on live at CR166 with a few different power sets, some easy, some not-so-easy, but I always have at least 90 SP and all my home turf mods when I run it. I'd say it's actually a little easier than on live, except for the stupid-easy adds, which are a lot easier.

    Other thoughts: I tried play from the tray against the adds. It's not really possible with that few skill points spent, but I got the feeling that it could work. Generally I clipped shield range attacks with powers and clipped powers with TK shield or Invisibility. The HT mod that makes Invisibility a shield would have been incredibly useful. TK Bolt wasn't as great since all its hits no longer crit. It was still good but I found Mass Hysteria to be more useful. Was nice being able to have Bastion hidden away, though I never used it in my final fight.
  2. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Psychic Prison's damage over time should be like other fields' damage over time , 12 seconds...
  3. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    Mental needs another 12 sec Cooldown like it needs a hole in the head.
  4. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    MENTAL "Control Enemies with the Power of your Mind."
    MENTAL REVAMP "Hit Enemies with Things Shooting out of your Head"
    MENTAL "Control Enemies wtih the Power of your Mind."
    In Mental Revamp; ENEMIES CONTROL YOU!
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  5. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Dude mental is one of the powers that doesn't have a field/circle/aoe dot power...
  6. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    If the do extend Psychic Prison to 12 Sec's they need to Reduce Mass Lev and Mass Terror down to 6. Beside Psychic Prison follows your toon it doesn't drop. So if you move away from the target. Too Bad!
    The gameplay on Mental is Terrible. It's fine with 1 or 2 adds; but get in a group; or handle a Boss; forget about it.
    The Adds and the Boss take control. Mental is a power that has lost control!
    It looks like they've been done with Mental. Very few refinements have occurred of late. Sad to say.
  7. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    I just wanted to pop in and show two videos of Mental DPS gameplay. I posted these in the Gotham City sub-forum also as the main purpose was to show people who can't get on test that both Hybrid and PftT are viable and similar in terms of completion time, but it was suggested that I also put them into the testing feedback sub-forum. If any mods feel they don't belong here feel free to delete the post.
    I limited myself to CR43 and spending 50 SP for each run.

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  8. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    What do you mean Psychic Prison "follows your toon" ? When you cast Psychic Prison it stays in the area you cast it.
  9. PSYL0CKE X8 Well-Known Player

    Feedback #1: Changes to mental's stuns\CC effects over all power set abilities is making it feel and seem like it's been slowed down with a slow game play feel. The way the stuns are now are not good as they are now on test. Thought bubble should be added back from the pull move and with the pull added to mental's over all abilities it has now on live server. Terror Tendrills need to be able to stun. Please bring back mental's stuns like they are now on live server.

    Feedback #2: Changes to the debuffs. I enjoy the way the debuffs are assigned to a power now on live server and not the way they are on test.I.e Horrific Visage a heal debuff, Phantom Flames a defense debuff, Terrorize a damage debuff, ect.

    Feedback #3:Mass Hysteria should be a 50% super charge instead of chaging it back to a 100% super charge like it has become on test. The 12 second cool down on Mass Terror and Mass Levitation is too long. Please bring back Phantom Flames Flames and its Dot
    Feedback# 4: I enjoy the new tactical mods but we only have so many slots to put them in our powers shouldn't be limited or weakened with cooldown times with the exchange of speeding the them up with the tatical mods, unless their are plans to make new slots in our base genarator to add these new ones since we only have 1slot in our gear to add them in. And some tactical mods are too important to replace like the neck mods. Some of these new mods can even be added to our League hall generators too, since it was promised that more League stats where going to be added then just the 13 we have.
  10. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    If you're in Controller role then it should be stunning them for most of the duration (6 seconds) of the ability. In my experience they seem to break out maybe 1-2 seconds before the animation ends.
  11. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Here's a summary of all Mental DPS abilities. I had 10,012 Might in my spec. I excluded crits, hits while NPCs were blocking, and any damage-boosting Home Turf mods. All damage was recorded without PI. If you want to know the damage with PI then add 10% to the damage values. I included my personal feedback in italics.

    Applies Terror:

    Terror Tendrils (20 samples)
    0.5s CD / 200 power
    CC: Stun
    Targets: No discernable limit (does *NOT* split damage)
    Range: Long
    Shape: Medium-Width Cone Projectiles
    Effect: Sends out 3 slow-moving projectiles that can ricochet off terrain and do not split damage
    Damage: 5287-5802 (5545 average)

    Feedback: This ability does not split damage and can seemingly hit an unlimited number of targets due to its design. For example, at the bridge in Gothan Under Siege I was able to strike over 20 enemies with one cast, dealing over 100k in damage. This makes Terror Tendrils Mental's best AoE ability by far. Even on single targets this ability shines since more than 1 projectile can strike the same enemy for double (perhaps even triple?) damage. It's unfortunate that nothing can be done to remedy these abilities that do not split damage.

    Mass Terror (29 samples)
    [Vulnerable to Interrupt]
    12s CD / 200 power
    CC: Stun
    Targets: 1-8 (splits after 3)
    Range: Medium
    Shape: Midrange 360 AoE centered on Caster
    Effect: 6 dot ticks
    Damage: 1058-1141 (1100 average) (6597 average x6)

    Feedback: It's unfortunate, but I just don't like this ability. There are too many things going against it; vulnerability to interrupt, it does not have long range, it has a long cooldown at 12s, and the damage isn't even that great. Keeping in mind that this ability costs the same as Terror Tendrils, it is extremely lacking in comparison.

    Leverages Terror:

    Psychic Shock (29 samples)
    0.5s CD / 100 power
    CC: Stun
    Targets: 1-8 (splits after 3)
    Range: Long
    Shape: Sphere AoE
    Damage: 3818-4139 (3979 average)

    Terrorize (29 samples)
    [Vulnerable to Interrupt]
    4.4s CD / 200 power
    CC: None
    Targets: 1
    Range: Long
    Shape: Ray
    Effect: 4 dot ticks, double damage on targets below 35% health
    Damage: 1674-1846 (1760 average) (7040 average x4)

    Phantom Flames (20 samples)
    3s CD / 300 power
    CC: Stun
    Targets: 1-8 (splits after 3)
    Range: Long
    Shape: Sphere AoE
    Damage: 7096-7715 (7406 average)

    Feedback: This ability and Telekinetic Bolt are very similar in design and function. Perhaps this ability could be made into a burst + dot to appease those who miss the old Phantom Flames and also to better differentiate it from Telekinetic Bolt.

    Ambush: Pain Blast (21 samples)
    [Vulnerable to Interrupt]
    18s CD / 300 power
    CC: Knock Down
    Targets: 1
    Range: Short
    Shape: Ray
    Damage: 8118-9816 (8967 average)

    Feedback: Invisibility and Pain Blast both have 18 sec cooldowns. However, because Pain Blast also has a cast time it is not available to use by the time Invisibility comes off cooldown. Please reduce the cooldown of Pain Blast by a few seconds to better sync up with Invisibility. Also, the tooltip does not indicate that this ability is vulnerable to interrupt.

    Applies Daze:

    Ambush: Sleep (21 samples)
    0.5s CD / 100 power
    CC: Stun / Sleep for 6s
    Targets: 1
    Range: Medium
    Shape: Ray
    Damage: 4107-4534 (4321 average)

    Telekinesis (25 samples)
    0.5s CD / 100 power
    CC: Levitate
    Targets: 1
    Range: Long
    Shape: Ray
    Effect: Throws nearby objects at your target that do miniscule damage and often miss
    Damage: 4335-4717 (4526 average)

    Telekinetic Pull (24 samples)
    3s CD / 200 power
    CC: Pull & Stun
    Targets: 1
    Range: Long
    Shape: Ray
    Damage: 6528-7210 (6869 average)

    Feedback: This ability seems a bit redundant with Telekinesis. Perhaps it could be made to leverage Daze instead of apply it. Or perhaps the pull feature could be added to Telekinesis and something else be done with this ability instead.. like a return of Thought Bubble (but with square encasements).

    Mass Levitation (22 samples)
    12s CD / 200 power
    CC: Levitate
    Targets: 1-8 (splits after 3)
    Range: Long
    Shape: Sphere AoE
    Damage: 6378-6947 (6663 average)

    Feedback: The tooltip for this ability says it's vulnerable to interrupt but I noticed no cast bar or vulnerability window to indicate this. I would like to see either a shorter cooldown on this ability or an AoE daze function added to some other ability as well. This is currently the only AoE Daze applicator Mental has and it's gated behind a 12s CD.

    Leverages Daze:

    Telekinetic Push (33 samples)
    0.5s CD / 100 power
    CC: Knock Down
    Targets: 1-8 (splits after 3)
    Range: Long
    Shape: Medium-Width Cone
    Damage: 3826-4225 (4026 average)

    Telekinetic Bolt (23 samples)
    3s CD / 300 power
    CC: None
    Targets: 1-8 (splits after 3)
    Range: Long
    Shape: Wide-Width Cone
    Damage: 7138-7928 (7533 average)

    Applies its Own PI:

    Cryokinesis (21 samples)
    0.5s CD / 100 power
    CC: Root / Encases Frostbitten Targets
    Targets: 1-8 (splits after 3)
    Range: Long
    Shape: Sphere AoE
    Effect: Inflicts Frostbite PI
    Damage: 4073-4482 (4278 average)

    Pyrokinesis (60 samples)
    3s CD / 200 power
    CC: Stun x2
    Targets: 1-8 (splits after 3)
    Range: Long
    Shape: Sphere AoE
    Effect: 6 dot ticks, inflicts Burning PI, and explodes encasements
    Damage: 882-1012 (947 average) (5682 average x6)
    • Exploding Encasement (22 samples)
      • Damage: 6445-7024 (6735 average)
    Feedback: This ability inflicts 12,417 total average damage from exploding an encasement + the dot. Really good stuff.

    No PI Interaction:

    Psychic Prison (95 samples)
    6s CD / 200 power
    CC: None (only Stuns in Controller Role)
    Targets: 1-8 (splits after 3)
    Range: None
    Shape: Large 360 AoE centered on Caster
    Effect: 12 dot ticks
    Damage: 617-701 (659 average) (7908 average x12)

    Horrific Visage (21 samples)
    12s CD / 200 power
    CC: Form change (Ghost Form)
    Targets: 1
    Range: Long
    Shape: Ray
    Effect: Generates 150 Supercharge (out of 2000)
    Damage: 618-695 (657 average)

    18s CD / 200 power
    CC: None
    Targets: 1
    Range: Long
    Shape: Ray
    Effect: Shields you and reflects all damage to your target for 6 seconds
    Damage: At 7555 Restoration & 222 Dominance you reflect up to 2759 damage (damage appears in white numbers)

    Feedback: Is Reflect's damage absorption based on Resto + Dom or something else?

    18s CD / 100 power
    Effect: Deactivates movement mode, increases running speed, provides CC resistance, and allows access to additional abilities


    Bolt Barrage (22 samples)
    30s CD / 50% SC
    CC: Knock Down
    Targets: 1-8
    Range: Long
    Shape: Medium-Width Cone Projectiles
    Effect: 11 ticks of damage
    Damage: 1854-2013 (1934 average) (21,269 average x11)

    Feedback: I don't like that this ability fires projectiles which have a tendency to miss.

    Mass Hysteria
    60s CD / 100% SC
    Effect: Increases Crit Chance by an unknown amount, applies Terror, and summons 5 Illusionary Spirits that attack and taunt for 30 seconds;
    Damage: 58,786 total damage dealt

    Feedback: This Supercharge is really nice :)
    • Like x 6
  12. Karasawa Loyal Player

    Forgot to add, please allow Terrorize to leverage Daze in addition to Terror.
  13. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    Just answering about Reflect Pain.
    It is a health based shield.
  14. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

    I have played this power for 4 years.
    It's seen so many changes it isn't funny... it's tragic actually. I know this isn't your intention but it has seemed to be treated as the child who is never good enough and ends up butchered.

    Things I noticed that I don't like:
    No PI Webs.
    Noooo no no no. Mental had PI webs pre GU36 and it needs to return.
    Too many changes to OG abilities
    Thought Bubble didn't need to be replaced. Just make it a square prison that doesn't block out damage and can be exploded and spread the burning PI.
    If anything Telekinesis could have been made into a combo with Telekinetic Pull. Add a tap melee hold melee to it and boom.
    The Invisibility change hurt Mental badly for raid damage situations.. case in Point.. Bolt Barrage being useful in Invisibility now its straight garbage.
    I do like that Pain Blast and Sleep were buffed though. Nice job on that.
    Bolt Barrage has been over nerfed. I personally would like to see it benefit from the Dazed PI.

    Things I do like:
    Menace is a weapon buff
    We finally have a pull
    We have a good SC Generator
    Mass Hysteria is very good and a 20% crits damage buff. Great for Weapon play.
    Good field dot in Psychic Prison
    Pyro has a solid dot tick in burning PI.

    Things that can improve:
    Mass Terror is a very dismal power now.
    I'd actually love for this to be made a high cost triple tick DoT that benefits from terror and leverages Dazed. Cooldown can be long. It'd be justified.

    Psychic Shock needs to benefit from its own PI and leverage Terror.

    Phantom Flames.. I feel like this should be an encasement breaker and have a burst/dot like Voltaic Bolt.

    Bolt Barrage being a supercharge that benefits from the Dazed PI would be lovely.

    Terrorize consuming the Terror PI would be much appreciated. Or make it leverage Dazed.

    Pyrokinesis having a double tick on Dazed and Burning PI would be amazing and totally justify the cost of power.

    Mass Levitation does not need to be gated behind a 12 second cooldown. The only reliable daze pi set up for large groups.. and it's gated behind a 12 second cooldown. I could actually see this being medium cost with a damage reduction and huge cooldown reduction.

    Having Cryokinesis apply and leverage the Dazed PI would be nice.
    • Like x 1
  15. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Bug Report
    As noted by Karasawa previously, Terror Tendrils exhibits strange behavior with respect to damage division. When cast on a single enemy on my character, it does about 6000 damage (non-crit). If you start casting it on large mob groups, you see weird things in your combat log. Consider this example:

    The early part of the attack hits the mobs for ~2500 damage. After that, the damage ranges from 6187 to 13727 (crit) on several enemies.

    Something isn't quite right there. That makes it the best mobbing power in the game.
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  16. stärnbock Devoted Player

    psychic prison should be placeable to the enemy, not around you.
    Question: hwo gets prisoned anyways, is it them or yourself?
  17. Sage-Rapha Steadfast Player

  18. Shin-O-B Developer

    Hi there! ^_^
  19. Shin-O-B Developer

    Bolt Barrage is balanced now. Previously, the damage was not being split over the 11 projectiles that are cast. In other words, each projectile performed the amount of damage the entire power should perform. Who doesn't love an 11x damage bonus? o_O
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  20. Shin-O-B Developer

    You may want to check out the next build then! :D
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