My changed view on the stat clamp debate

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I've seen reports that people were saying the game wouldn't last a year back during beta. I have no way to substantiate that, but I can corroborate I've seen people saying it's the final year since I started playing two years and nine months ago. At times, I've wondered if they were right, but the game keeps defying the doomsday prophecies.
  2. Tannen Committed Player

    Honestly, this just seems to be a common thing in online gaming. Blizzard games aside, every online game I've played in which I followed the forums had regular topics/posts with people claiming that the game was on death's door and/or such and such new game on the horizon was going to kill it.

    I'm never quite sure if these people actually believe what they're saying when they say things like this, or if they're just exaggerating for attention.
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That happens with Blizzard games, too. WoW was supposed to be killed by Rift.
  4. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    It's roughly been happening since launch, I'd even concede that it could have happened during beta (never actually got to play it, did start playing day one though). I do know that the doom and gloom officially started at the psn hack (can't remember if that was before or after update 3... worse update you should be glad you missed it ;).) and it was in full force after GU 3 (or vice versa can't remember which came first).
  5. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Qing ans even using LFG to get a group for anything thats not endgame on pc is nearly imposable without stat clamping added in,Qs for older stuff take hours sometimes to start if they start at all and making a group in lfg takes up to an hour or more sometimes for older stuff and in most cases the lfg group fails because people leave due to the long wait trying to find people,you add in stat clamping and it will kill pc

    i don't want stat clamping anyway its no fun ,for me being able to stomp older stuff is a nice break from getting beat up in endgame stuff and its nice to see your hard work pay off and yes i know they could just add walk ins but that too would make Q times even worse and not everything low can be soloed because of switches etc.

    the only thing stat clamping will do is make the game worse for everyone not better
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  6. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    Only way ill support stat clamping, flattening or whatever ppl wanna call it, is if they make walk-ins for every instance. Its kinda funny tho, i see ppl shouting allllll the time in the wt for a higher cr to help them with lower tiered content. Another thing to think about, how fast do you get a full grp when you shout for an instance compared to shouting for a certain cr grp for lower content. At the moment, the only way you can get a grp for that, is to make your own grp w/o the higher cr players
  7. Tannen Committed Player

    Can't say I'm surprised, honestly. I never played WoW. Diablo 2, WarCraft 2 and 3, StarCraft 1 and 2 are their games that I've played, and I don't recall ever seeing those kinds of posts on those boards much (with more thought on the subject, I do recall some "game killer" type posts on the StarCraft boards regarding some other RTS games coming, but even those seemed sparse by comparison)
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  8. mexmex Dedicated Player

    Flash news for you, now it takes less than a week to get where you are, and for the sp thing that could made a difference, are totally irrelevant after 80 maybe for dps, so you prefer people being carried all the way to the end, and have a big comunity in the end game without knowing anything????
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  9. mexmex Dedicated Player

    I think that all players should be prevented to enter any instance below d their cr relavancy via On duty, and being only accesible for those high cr players via teleporter. Those teleporters should become accesible to the players only after they are above the cr relevancy, that would prevent skip content and being carried in any way, so new players get to experience the game as intended, and vets can go in and stomp n smash old intances
  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That would be ideal, but the population in this game is too small for that to work.
  11. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm sorry but
    why do people keep making these threads, the only way the community at large will endorse stat clamping is if it is "optional"

    When the devs give people walk ins to complete all instances in game "unclamped" then the minority and you are the minority, can have your clamped optional instances. I think you'll find they're utilized a lot less than you think.

    Also at the end of the day you chose to run with a CR148 player and who are you kidding, you made an alt, that infers through logic that you yourself have a high leveled main but your whole "argument" is based on the pretense that you "didn't know how powerful a CR148 player is" who are you kidding, it's just a guise to push your stat clamp agenda.

    You know exactly how powerful a CR148 player is, don't pretend this is some kind of new enlightenment, that's just insulting everyone's intelligence.

    Optional stat clamping is fine, compulsory stat clamping can just ****.
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  12. mexmex Dedicated Player

    I agree but only till certain extend , but then again nobody should complaint for having end content players with 40 sp and without a clue of how the game works since u can get there in a week easily by being carried
  13. Malachee Committed Player

    Your last line made me laugh so hard I coughed up my tea. :cool: Thanks for that.
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  14. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i will easily take the stat clam if the rewards for completing the raid are alil bit higher seeing how the community is so againt the stat clamping if it were made optional, hardly anyone would run it stat clamped...running it stat clamped 5 more marks of victory then running non stat clamped! Yea thisll change how many marks itll cost at end game but ah well
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  15. LT Schmitt Committed Player

    Why should I run content that is clamped and not get any marks? I know I am part of the problem everyday I run the Gotham court house in hopes of getting the chest at a CR of 148 and I destroy everything with dual pistols. Now if there was a way to use my teleporter to enter content like this than I would have no need to que up and upset everyone.

    All stat clamping does is move us backward and being OP for content like black dawn does help keep noobs around cause it carries them to the the current content faster and if you can bring new people into the game whats wrong with that. I for one am very happy that my current league was running older content while op if for that I would never meet some great people who took time to explain the AM to me and show me the importance of skill points and mods. Yes they carried me til tier 6 but taught me how to weld my power and I became a better player for that.
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    No if it's just about "experience" you'll do it without reward, you're doing it to help the other players and have fun right...

    oh wait no, it's more about your own personal gain.

    Oh and did you bother to think about the flow on effect of what you said.. increase in cost to "end game gear" because suddenly "people might run clamped" that starts to effect the people that don't want to run content clamped which starts to push towards compulsory clamping.

    If you want clamping that's fine, all for it on two conditions.

    no reward
    totally optional
  17. theswoosh Well-Known Player

    everyone that actually asked for stat clamping, myself included did not ask for what the devs ended up giving, what i asked for was to have a rotation of older content being clamped in the form of events for nastalgia, and/or any 1st time running a certain piece of content clamps the entire group (giving the optiong in the settings to ignore/bypass instances that are clamped if you wish not to participate in them, hoever helping a 1st timer would reap you some extra marks)) the reasoning behind it is that way everyone would of had to beat every instance in the game at its intended diffuculty at least 1 x...after that is free game...
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  18. SSeid Committed Player

    Wait so If you had the abilty to ask for people of relevant CR to run the way you find fun why do you want it to be enforced???

    If anything of a sort is to be made it need to be optional.. anything else just hurts the other side of the argument.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Oh no, we are keeping all tiers flowing with players, willing to deal with and even teach the new players how to run the raids/work their powers. Queuing for outdated content wont be a barren wasteland with insane queue wait or that 1 outgeared player that molests everything from adds to boss in 5 second. I mean its a win/win you get your teleporter to steamroll content as you please, or you can run the "prime" way for helping players get a better understanding of their character and the content you are rewarded with a few extra marks for completing it

    I never said you had to run stat clamped but if they feel they should should, everyone benefits. Or hell lets just say they didnt change how much the gear costed due to the variable of being able to gain extra marks for doing it clamped optionally. Some players would gear faster then others, and youd have issue with that

    But honestly who really loses in this? You get your steamroll walk-in, you can power through the raid by yourself, or you can spend it with the newer players trying to figure it out and it be a slog...or you can have a group of quick learners....its a grab-bag.... you arnt forced to do anything, your rewarded arnt affected for running it non stat clamped we just would get a incentive for doing so
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  20. Avian Dedicated Player

    The only way the community would accept stat clamping is if it's optional.

    My suggestion is to give people an option when queueing and one one in settings.

    People at tier should be given the option to choose whether or not they want people of higher CR to be in their instance via settings.

    If a person of a higher CR queues up and a there might be a queue ready to pop (of players who don't want higher cr) that person should be given the option to join that group stat clamped. If they decline their queue will keep on going until someone who hasn't turned that previously mentioned setting on. I think this should be turned on by default, or some kind of explanation should be given in game so people are aware of this setting.

    This way people can choose as they are queued whether they want to wait longer to run an instance with their actual stats or get into the instance stat clamped without having to wait any longer. At this point it's up to the high CR player to decide if waiting longer makes up for the time it would take to run the instance stat clamped.

    Maybe increase the chances of better rewards by running it stat clamped like fx. you are guranteed to get at least 1 mark if you run an instance stat clamped that's out of your CR relevancy.

    That being said, I do think Stat Clamping is a necessity for the end game population to grow as a lot of lower tier players who are carried aren't having fun playing the game and decide to leave.