Anyone else face this with leagues?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Sep 7, 2015.

  1. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    No matter what league I join, I always seem to end up in the same situation. I'm the one helping the newer players get stuff done, or I'm helping the less skilled players learn their powers. Sometimes it gets a bit tiresome knowing when I log in, I'll immediately be asked to help with this or that by someone new instead of being able to just relax and play the game for once.

    It's led me to do a lot of league hopping and character switching; I often try to play other characters people don't know about just so I can get away for a while.
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  2. Trexlight Devoted Player

    I get that on my streams.....I feel your pain as well.
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  3. kav Committed Player

    I understand your dilemma but you need to be stronger about your own pleasurement. Helping others in need is nice and is a necessity to keep people around and building a strong league but you also need to ensure that the message is clear and dry: help when you want to, not because you have to. Either that or make some days for helping those who are in need and keep a balance for your own entertainment, otherwise you'll have to hide in the shadows, which isn't really a solution.

    In my old league we had family-nights (core of the league ran stuff together), runthecraptime (run old content for marks) and we helped each other out around those events.
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  4. BlazeChamp Committed Player

    o_O Just say no
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  5. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    This happened to me during the two or three times I was league hopping and landed in some low leagues, mostly because I just wanted their proficiencies and didn't really give a damn about their "competence" as some would say. The new players always annoyed the hell out of me with their questions. Being the wonderful league mate I am, I helped them a few times before it became too much and I ended up leaving.

    No one is forcing you to help them. Just say no. If you refuse to help once or twice, word will spread and they will no longer bother you.

    I get where you're coming from but if you feel uncomfortable in a league, its time to leave it.
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  6. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    Maybe join an end-game league with players who already know what they're doing.
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  7. FaLeX Dedicated Player

    Learn to say....


    I always let leaguemates know i am willing to help but if I'm busy or have stuff to accomplish, i just say "sorry, not right now...maybe..."
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  8. Tannen Committed Player

    Yes. Unfortunately many, many players in non-endgame leagues are not very driven to accomplish much on their own. Rather than blind queue up for Area 51, for example, and learn/run the instance with people that are reasonably close to the proper level range, they'll simply ask/expect/demand that higher levels carry them through. They either don't understand, or don't care, that you have your own character progression to work on, and have the expectation, that since you're higher/stronger that its your responsibility to bring them up.

    What's worse is that many of these players are selfish and will not return the favor to you, nor pay it forward to other new/low players. And if you're patient enough to bring them up to your level, and can no longer power them through content, they'll discard you and look for someone else/another league that can do more for them. Or they'll simply get bored and vanish from the game somewhere along the way.

    I'm always try to be available for guild/league mates in whatever MMO I'm playing, and help them, but so many of them cross the line with endless requests for help that it becomes an excercise of patience, and remaining friendly becomes difficult.
  9. CaptainColdilocks Dedicated Player

    Just gonna throw this out there... But my league (not a bunch of new players) is great.

    You may come and go if you please...unless you are a dbag, then we won't have you back. You are NEVER obligated to run with the league; LFG all day if that's your preference.

    We ask: no music or eating in league chat... And that's pretty much it.

    USPS... If you want to know more.
  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Thanks everyone for your input. I will try to politely say "no" next time I need a break and let people know I have other plans for the day. I'll see how that goes before taking more extreme measures, i.e. leaving my league.
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  11. megamanexe Committed Player

    i dont have that problem. if i dont want to help i wont respond. the issue i have with most leagues is ppl do the same LOL no one responds to help cries...or worse i log on and theres a bunch of ppl in lg chat complaining about such and such not being good at their role and how their pug group sucks. theyll go on and on and gets annoying to me because of all the negativity. then i abandon ship
  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    I know the problem you are dealing with... Not so much here but when I played City Of Heroes I was the founder of two Super Groups (their version of a league) one Hero and one Villain and one of several leader of a third. There were times when I'd log on and have as many as 4 or 5 people sending me messages wanting help or to discuss some problem/issue that arouse while I was off line. I hadn't even had time to get oriented and decide what I wanted to do and half a dozen people wanted me to drop everything to help. I didn't mind being Mr. Fix it but at some point you actually like to PLAY the game your paying to be a part of not run errands.
    The one saving grace on COH was you had the ability to click a tab and disappear.. No one could tell if you were on line or not and this gave you some time to do things you needed or wanted to do without being interrupted. Oh and that feature applied globally so if you set it up with ONE of your characters it applied to all of them until you turned it off. I actually had a "special top secret alt" that no one knew about.. I could log that one on and set it up to vanish globally and then no matter what character I logged on next.. No one knew I was on line!

    Some one suggested that here a while back but I forget exactly why it was not an option. Plus unlike COH the whole "friending" thing is alt based so its not as big an issue. There if I agreed to be your global friend.. any alt I owned and even any brand new one I might create automatically showed up your friend list .. here I can friend you with one alt and have a dozen more you know absolutely nothing about.

    All that aside I really have no clue how to solve the problem .. Once you get a reputation as being some one willing to help out players will flock to you. Some are good about it and if you tell them you can't right that second you IN A MISSION they will leave you alone and wait until you are free.. Others ... And yeah I had this occur on COH.... actually keep sending messages. "Are you done yet?" "No its a 45 minute long mission and I have been in here for ten .. I am 5 minutes closer to being done than I was five minutes ago.. Well 4 and a half since I have had to talk to you twice in that time period." LOL Some people have no clue and assume YOU are only on line to help THEM.
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  13. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    I understand what you're going throught, the only thing I can recomend you to do it's to search for a maybe slightly smaller league, but with skilled players, and high level players, otherwise, a lot of the bigger leagues that have low tier people are like that.
    I mean it's cool to help people like that, but i know at some point it gets boresome and tiresome.

    I believe that you're in USPC, there are quite a few leagues that are like what i'm suggesting you. I hope you find one that suits you the best.
  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    You just described exactly what I'm facing in my current league. I had to turn auto-decline on for group invites to encourage the player to at least ask first before inviting me. I'll get online, and I'll be invited to his group within seconds. If I decline, he sends a message asking why I declined. If I tell him I'm in the middle of a mission, he'll send the group invite every 10-20 seconds and/or message me asking if I'm done.
  15. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Jeez Trex, can you get a larger signature? It only took me 5 minutes to scroll past it on my tablet. LOL

    We used to have nights that we dedicated to helping newer players, it seemed to work out well for the most part. Then there would be raid nights, feat grinding nights, etc....
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  16. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Could not agree more. Not long after I started here I joined a league, which shall remain nameless, Now my buddy and I both arrived here together from COH and played together nightly helping one another advance with little or no help from anyone and when we joined the league we were already doing T4 content which was the highest available at that time. There were numerous times we tried to form a team to do a raid or alert and the first thing we'd do was go to league chat to see if anyone else was interested... More often than not we got little or no support.. everyone was too busy doing their own thing. And then the league would have its "Let's help the new guys nights" and suddenly we'd be getting messages to join and help out with a t2 Raid or a T1 alert. Interestingly I don't recall a single time the league ever had T4 night despite having a huge number of members at T4. Sometimes we'd help out when we were not already involved in a mission of our own but it began to grate on my nerves they were always asking US to help upgrade new lower level players but no one ever helped us.

    The final straw for me was a day I was logged on by myself because my friend was working and a new league mate was on whining about leaving to join another league because no one would help him MOD his armor. I sat and watched about 8 members bend over backwards to help this guy.. Not just go with him and exobit hunt or something like that but donate R+D materials and actually craft a complete set of mods for him and email them to him so he'd stay. I never even bothered to address that with any one in the league just talked it over with my friend and we both quit. Know what I was doing while that guy was moaning and threatening to leave the league? Exobit hunting so I could craft new mods for myself and it never once dawned on me to go to league chat and extort mods from league mates but that guy had no problem doing it at all. Would not surprise me a bit if he turned around and quit a day later anyway to see what stuff he could get for free for the new league that wanted him.

    Some players, as you mentioned, think you are there to do nothing else but make their lives easier. We formed our own 2 man league with about 21 members, all of our alts, and not only have our own league hall but make enough prestige to keep 4 league buffs going monthly and maintain a balance of about 200,000 prestige after the rent is paid. The ONLY league mates we help are each other and since all our characters are around the same CR (between 129-133) we can help any character and STILL be helping ourselves.
  17. Hyppoli Well-Known Player

    Politely say you are busy, people should understand.
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  18. judgeday1904 Well-Known Player

    That will always happen. When im free i dont mind help the others but if im doing something i just say i cant at the moment.
    If you help and for some reason you cant help at that moment and that person dont understand then dont deserve to be help anymore because its a selfish person.
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  19. Multiverse Creator League

    Yeah had similar problems.

    I joined various Leagues... and they would ask for my help for various things. which was fine. I was happy to help.

    Sadly.... it was a ONE way street. :(

    When I needed some help for something..... no one was there to help me.
    And I won't even mention the first League I joined where the League Leader Ninja looted me. :mad: ;)

    So I finally had enough and made my whole League.

    But sadly...... I had to rebuild my League after OC.
    All my Leaguemates left..... all my friend list I had built since F2P left.
    And then history repeated itself......
    Thanks to GU47.... all my Leaguemates are gone...... and so is my friend list. :(

    Did not think I would rebuild this time..... but met a few nice people lately.......
    (even met a Forum member.... that happens once in a while ;) ).....
    so I am back to rebuilding my friend list.

    Still not sure if I will rebuild the League..... we shall see.
  20. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'd agree with what others have said. It's partly about your response. I generally want to help folks out. That's why I have end game toons of each role. I also prefer to run with my league. Sometimes, though, I just want to run solo content or PUG (heh, not much, though). Just gotta say your busy. If the league doesn't understand, that's not the league for you. Of course, if you prefer to run solo or PUG, perhaps you're actually better off outside of a league. Just something you have to figure out. Best of luck!
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