Censor priorities...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IIThe QuestionII, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Ok...this may not sit well with everyone, but i have to say it (even if it gets deleted).

    We've talked time and again of how the in-game chat is an obscenity-insult fest...nothing has been done.
    Yet...on the forums, using the bold orange letters commonly used by the competence guys now gets censored... I mean...really? WHY? It's not offensive...its not an insult...so why?

    I know it doesn't look like a big deal, but to me...it shows the kind of subjects that happen to be a discussion turned desicion with DCUO management...
    Now...if they are focusing on words...why focus on a word combo using by some league to promote their game style instead of...you know...the actual direct insults directed against players with the actual intent to offend them? (I know...crazy idea...how do i dare think of such madness)

  2. MuTeDx Committed Player

    This is what happens when those running the game never reached full maturity. They get bu77hurt over a little nothing and ban anyone speaking truth, but those hurting the game run wild and glitch everything.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Who have they banned that spoke "da truth" without resorting to a personal attack
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  4. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I agree, i'll admit i've never been a fan of their posts, but it can't be denied that there are far more important issues to discuss/work on than censoring two non offensive words because some people might get their feelings hurt, while at the same time doing nothing against actual offenses that go directly against the ToS.
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  5. Trexlight Devoted Player

    Forums are easier to handle and control filth than in game. In game, best you can and screen shot the offense, create a ticket and report it. I've done so many times.
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  6. Solmes202 Loyal Player

  7. MuTeDx Committed Player

    I never resorted to attacking anyone, I just called BS on Mepps and I got banned, never attacked him our anyone. Just wrote out my opinion that they don't want balance and I called Mepps out on it and I was banned.
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  8. Solmes202 Loyal Player

    His behavior towards forum posters has gotten progressively worse over the past year and is the reason that I cancelled my sub and left the game entirely.
  9. MuTeDx Committed Player

    I'm the band tho, it's been an honor paying with you gentleman. *plays violin as ship sinks*
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  10. the solowing Unwavering Player

    they've been trying for balañce for awhile but can't nail it down. But then again who has using the same numerical values for both pve an pvp. This "op powers to sell replays" myth is stupid as its a myth that proves true only to those that run fotm. If mepps/spytle say something that you dont find true, bring facts that support your statement. Not comments calling them a lier and challenging them with mere personal observation
  11. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Oh I agree and support it...but when its about offenses...censoring those words, I don't even know what kind of process lead to that desicion being made, i can only think that the time spent on deciding that (however small) was time wasted, and it kind of speaks of the detachment game management has from the actual game state.
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  12. MuTeDx Committed Player

    So you are implying that the devs don't have the knowledge to really balance the powers? They wrote the game, they have direct control over the numbers. The devs don't understand then they need a new team.
  13. the solowing Unwavering Player

    world of Warcraft has never been balànced , when I started in wrath pallies were doing damage so absurd in PvP, I swore off rolling a pally in any game. Ffxiv is balanced..for pve. They want and make it known that pve is their focus and if PvP balance suffers so be it. Unless you use 2 sets of ñumber values for pve and PvP balance will never happen but they shoot for close
  14. MuTeDx Committed Player

    WoW also put you in a role based on your role, there is no switching that I know of. A game like that balances with imbalance creating a thriving community of all roles. Here we are allowed to switch and in doing so should do about the same with equal gear, sp, and knowledge. PvE should have been balanced long ago, no excuses they have the power to do so. Do you think making Ice above quantum was on purpose or an accident? Quamtum wad supposed to be THE power we are balanced around, but they made ice far above it and never bothered to bring it down. They do this on purpose, how does no one see this?