How do you get to cr120 as a Controller...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by KHALONofOGUN, May 26, 2015.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    ...And decide to run a T7 Duo in troll stance without ever throwing P.O.T. or a power dump or two???

    I encountered an oddity this morning. Decided to run the Resource Recovery Duo and just queued up on my Sorcery main, got in and saw a troll..."oh, this is good" or so I thought. We get in the hallway, and Fury and I are doing our thing. Meanwhile, I see this troll using Martial Arts tap triangle moves...and not once did I witness any power moves, of any kind.

    Using Sacrificial offering mostly and using weapon attacks I managed my power well enough...but it really bugged me that this Controller in Controller stance did nothing beyond tap triangle moves to assist. He was cr120, not some 111-115 who was hoping to be carried (which wouldn't have bothered me as long as they tried).

    So I stopped right outside the first boss room, and while he waited for me to come in, I typed in group chat "Can you throw p.o.t.???" response. So after waiting long enough he decides to take on the boss solo, and I just decided to stay outside and watch, which is when I became aware that he was Quantum. He died, and when he respawned, I asked him the same question...again, no answer. Again he enters and tries to fight the boss alone. By this point there was 30 minutes left before shut down, and I decided I was going to ride this out to whatever conclusion was coming.

    I then typed out, "if you can't throw p.o.t., go DPS". Still no response from him, and after his third hilariously failed attempt to take on the boss, he left. I solo'd the rest of the duo with zero issues, but was left seriously puzzled by this.

    I can understand hybrid/battle trolls (I have a build for that on an alt), I can understand being a below average player (dropped p.o.t., no debuffs, inconsistent power dumps). What I can't understand is a flat out refusal to use ANY beneficial power while in troll stance (even if you're bad enough to not give power, a stun or two would still be helpful). If you're going to not use powers while in support role stance, at the least throw some weapon combos instead of just range tap moves. Also, refusing to communicate in any way is a real d*** move...even if you don't speak the language, say as much.

    I'm not putting this out here just to blow some steam or whatever. I'm hoping that maybe someone can give me some insight into what this person could have been doing, or a reason why they behaved in this way. Or even how they could have made it this far without actually participating (some players may be "terrible" by some standards, but at least they're putting in some kind of effort). I've heard of others in similar situations, but had yet to experience it first hand until this morning.
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  2. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    So since he wouldn't throw pot you waited outside and watched him struggle? Then after he left sine he didn't get any help from his partner which is you, you solo it?

    Good job OP.
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  3. buddah Well-Known Player

    Him not switching to DPS is probalbe because he doesn't have the gear. As for the other stuff he probably didn't think it was nessacary. I wouldn't worry about it too much. If it was a 4 or 8 man there would be some serious issues. I ran with a Ice tank in Breach a few days ago that used nothing but range tap. He wouldn't pull the adds
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  4. Tannen Committed Player

    This sounds like the likely explanation based on your story and my several years of MMO's. The friendlier ones will usually try to convey they don't speak English, but many will just stay silent unless someone who speaks their own language says something.
  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If you actually read what I wrote you would have noted that I asked him a question, he didn't answer and then proceeded to try to take on the boss by himself. And it wasn't just pot. He didn't use any power to try to help, nor did he use any weapon attack outside of the martial arts tap triangle move.

    Are you telling me I should have just carried him the entire way with him not doing the bare minimum he could to help??? His struggle was of his own doing. If he had shown me he was capable of throwing pot or doing anything more than tap triangle, I would have let him ride to the end. But he couldn't even be bothered to answer me...not even an insult (not that that would have been the appropriate response, but it would have been more than he gave me). He didn't ask me "what is pot", he didn't say "no hablo ingles", he didn't say "I'm new to this duo/game". He said nothing on the mic or in the chat box. I waited for any kind of response, and got none.

    What should I have done in that situation??? I'm genuinely asking you what should I have actually done? How could I have better phrased my question?
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  6. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    O read it and it was a duo not a raid or even an alert. Just seems like a di** move.
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  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Fair enough...but he could have said or typed "no DPS gear".

    I'm puzzled by that.:confused: In my 3 years of playing, even if someone else was completely obliterating everything in our path, I at least tried to put on a show so that I didn't look like a useless A.I. pet that forgets to attack. Even if it wasn't necessary, I would use combos and attack powers...anything too look alive in the instance. If he was new to Quantum, I could have EASILY helped him out with that, since I have a Quantum alt (been Quantum for well over a year with him). But his insistence on staying quiet just put me off. Can't exactly help someone that doesn't even acknowledge you.
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  8. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    IMHO you had made the attempt to start the chat ( mind you could word it a little nicer ) to ask if he would throw some POT since he is in TROLLER STANCE. After a few attempts at this with no response I feel you did exactly what you should have. Some people might have tried to kick ( I know was a duo so can't just saying ) but yet you tried a few times. Standing your ground was I think respectful to the point of giving him the chance of being a team player but as you seen it was not in his vocabulary. Since HE decided to leave that gives YOU ALL THE RIGHT to finish it SOLO if you can and choose too.

    My opinion anyway.
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  9. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    So the guy wasn't AFK, the guy was just a bad player, maybe he had the chat hidden (I do this usually), or maybe he was the brother, sister, cousin, or whatever of the real player and was having fun while having no idea about what to do. And all of a sudden you decided to not do anything, even if the guy was right there playing, you made him wait in a 2 minutes duo, until he thought you were AFK and then left the duo, moment when you decided to come back in and finish it alone.

    After that, you decided you were entitled to write a thread to complain about him, GeeGee.
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  10. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    There's no other way to say it...that's just stupid. Say something...anything. I would do my best to bridge the communication gap.

    2 weeks ago I was bit hunting in my route in Gotham. Some one randomly sent me a group request. When I saw he was a low level player I typed in chat "what can I help you with". He responded that his English was bad, and named the instance he needed help with (it was one of the Batman mentored missions before the Hotel one). I helped him out, and even went as far as using Google translate to help explain a few things in Portuguese.

    My point is, if English is not your primary language, that's ok. Let me know something...anything...and i'll work with you. You can't work with total silence/lack of communication.
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  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    So then your answer is basically to let him ride without attempting to actually contribute???:confused:
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  12. Mr BeefCakesss New Player

    Was he using his weapon? If so he was contributing but not up to your standard.
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  13. MrGT Well-Known Player

    If he was not really using any powers there had to have been some reason, no one is that bad that they gets to T7 and not use any beneficial powers. Maybe there were reasons like Kaiser and others pointed out. You did try to "reach out" but perhaps would have been best to just run it with him and get it done. No having a go at you for what you did do, I was not in your situation.
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  14. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    Technically I'm not one for defended others opinions other then my own but to his defense you do have to remember that his little rant was in actuality only to point out the fact other people have also stated that THAT GUY was playing END GAME content and was not just not throwing POT but no POWERS WHATSOEVER.

    TIME is MONEY and many WOULD HAVE KICKED for less then that. I stick up for him because he chose to watch and see how this guy was going to play and IMHO it was not for TEAMPLAY that's for sure.

    I think he chose wisely and in the end the other guy did not finish but he did. ALL RIGHT in my book if you get no help.
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  15. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    Had this happen in the League Hall Duo, a 113 troll came in so I got to burning. I was a 124 Quantum DPS, so no big. This Troll wouldn't throw PoT, Debuff or stun adds. He was DPSing, so I told him to DPS or push power and debuff. He ignored me, he put out a whopping 50K damage. I told him he was completely useless and I just carried him through the content, was so PO'd I would have just walked out if I wasn't in a rush.
  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    So what do YOU suggest I do in a situation like that?

    See, you're thinking my complaint thread (which it isn't really) is just here for me to complain. In reality, i'm trying get an idea of what I should have done in this kind of situation. So far all i'm getting is I was the "bad guy", but no actual answer as to what to do in this type of situation.
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  17. kAiSeR007 Dedicated Player

    All the time is money doesn't matter when we are talking about the T7 duos. He probably wasted more time trying to prove a point than what it takes to finish the duo.

    I'd have finished the duo and leave for q'ing the next one.
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  18. Multiverse Creator League

    It is not rare to see players play Troll and never give any power..... at all.

    .....or Healer who do not Heal.... at all for that matter.

    If players can play up to 100CR and never give power..... why would it change when they reach 115CR??? or 125CR???

    Essentially lots of players play Troll or Healer or Tank..... but still play as if they were DPSes.
    So no PoT.... or no HoT.... etc.

    Could be a case of a Troll who decided to be a battle Troll??
    Or he wanted to be a CC Troll???
    Or he wanted to be a Debuff Troll??

    Who knows.

    Maybe he thought that PoT did not matter for that one mission???
    And since you did solo the mission once he left..... he was kind of right.

    Yes it drives me nuts too when Troll do not keep up the PoT.
    But the duos are not that difficult. They can be done fairly quick even with a Troll who gives no power.

    Although I was surprised he was not able to solo the mission himself.

    Even at 114CR I can solo them Duos with my Trolls.
    At 120CR it should have been fairly easy.

    Probably why the Devs have those insanely high recommended CR requirements even though some of us can do the content with the minimum CR.
  19. youngshotti New Player

    There are a lot of players coming duos lately in support roles. But the 1 duo where they need to be n dps stance is the league hall one
  20. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    Yup! I find it to be a complete d*** move on your part for trying to communicate with someone on why their effort is lagging even in a duo. How dare you try to find a way to perhaps coach or help somebody out who obviously seems clueless in a duo even if you can easily solo it (many I guess are missing the point)? You're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't when it comes to trying to help or even understand a players tactics (or lack of). Gotta enjoy the critics in here, bro. You tried to communicate multiple times. Player decided to try to solo the content and failed miserably twice out of his/her own choice and still could not respond with a simple "?" on a chat box. Yup, you're responsible for the failure that came from their own decision and lack of communication. Total d*** move :rolleyes:
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