Premium needs a cash cap increase

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostsAndMagic, Sep 29, 2014.

  1. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Lifetime was a limited offer for PC only.
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  2. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    So let me get this straight, people that are premium spend money on the marketplace for dlc's, styles, lair themes etc etc but cant afford a monthly sub? Another option which i know is really hard to comprehend is, save a few bucks. Dont go to McDonalds and buy that cheeseburger, dont buy that pack of smokes, dont buy that soda at the gas station. You have no problem dropping money on things like that but can complain about how outragious the monthly few is for a sub. Theses fews suggestions just saved you 15 bucks
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  3. AzraelR Committed Player

    I love how people forget that americans are not the only ones who play DC Universe online, there are people from other countries too, brazilians like me. Just put in google to see the minimum wage of this trash country. I barely have money to pay for a college here.

    And I really would be very happy to spend my money on legendary if I lived in the United States or first world country. Incidentally, I'm doing my best here for two or three years to get out of this country. Is incredible other countries have a minimum wage so high, in their place I would not hesitate to put a legendary.
  4. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I find other things outrageous about this game, not the cost of the sub; most of it boils down to what we do not get for our subscription that other games offer. How would you suggest fixing the following:
    • The lack of resources available to fix bugs, provide more involved content, protect players from abuse, etc.
    • The fact that we pretty much have to buy an armory if we create a new character even if we've already bought dozens because there is no option to buy unlimited at a higher cost. Other games have this feature for the same price of subscription.
    • The fact that the population of this game is fairly low due to things like a money cap, the inability to do most r&d as a premium player, player segregation, etc. that drive players away.
    • The fact that legendary players still have to buy inventory slots to expand their inventory. Other games provide inventory expansion as part of their subscription.
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  5. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Y'all have to buy more inventory space? :confused: I'm sorry but that's just ****** up. That's not right.

    I understand premium members buying more slots but legendary? That doesn't sound like all access, I mean it is but the fact that you have to buy it is just eh.
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  6. DialH New Player

    I would never play the game without subbing for the same reason I wouldn't ride a bike that's missing a wheel.
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  7. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    No. You want a cash increase there are perimeters already in place. Either buy escrow or sub.
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  8. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    They do. They make an unlimited access for 7 days token.
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  9. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    Ya and our cost of living is alot higher than yours. I know plenty of brazilians that can afford subs. My point is,a majority of the ppl complaining about a cash cap increase are able to spend money on the extra's in the marketplace but not get a sub. If you break it down, its .50 cents a day for a sub.
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  10. Ivar New Player

    Working as intended, OP.

    [IMG] Me,
    staring at my big fat 2000 cash & growing escrow after a moderately lucrative duo, alert etc.

    User successfully annoyed,
    surely he is more willing to constantly pay for this game now.
  11. TrueArchon Dedicated Player

    GhostsAndMagic said:
    “Yeah yeah threads like these have been made a million billion times, but this is insane
    Like I can't even make a proper mod at my cr because equipment interface VI costs too much cash, Need lime colas? too bad, even though I paid for the dlc that implies I will be needing items like these, I have no way of getting them for myself”
    get the sub or escrow token...OR you can farm collections, and offer to trade some of the more lucrative items to players in exchange for what you need to make them.
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  12. ShaShabbaRanx New Player

    How bout...... No
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  13. The Valeyard New Player

    What about a cash increase for former legendary members to 10,000? Seriously, that's nothing in this game's God-awful economy that anyone refuses to fix.
  14. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    I'm not going to be sarcastic here, but if things are that tight. Perhaps you should be spending your time wisely perhaps something more profitable? If you cant spring for 10 or 15 a month, getting a second job might be more beneficial.
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  15. winter13 New Player

    On a side note....
    The biggest issue I have is players that pay for legendary or a period of time, and then go premium for whatever reason (financial, choice, etc...), have NOTHING to show for it. I've been legendary for 2 years, and if for some reason I needed to frop my sub, I would have to purchase the DLCs all over again. That makes absolutely no sense when you can be premium and spend a minimum of $20-$40 a year and own everything they need to sty at the top level, but legendary players pay $120-$180 a year and own nothing.

    If a legendary has subscribed for a 12 month period (no breaks), then they should be able to download and own 3 dlcs. That should be the minimum for every 12 months that they sub.
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  16. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    With the legendary pricing($29.99 for 3 months) it's more like .36 cents a day. The thing is, there is no fundamental right to play this game. And when you spend money on things like DLC's that is a choice. You don't have to spend a dime to play this game if you don't want to. Buying DLC's is a choice. Buying the doo-dads is a choice. Buying the Booster packs is a choice. If you choose to be F2P or Premium, you're making that choice with the understanding of the rules behind that choice. If you want the same benefits as Legendary subscribers then subscribe. If not, stop whining about the choice you made.
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  17. Lawlessworlddc New Player

    Tough luck.
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  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Why do people consider it whining to ask for better options from a company?

    This is an MMO: The more people who are happy, the more people you have to play with because they didn't leave for greener pastures. By insulting players who want to be happier, you're decreasing the value of the game you're paying for.
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  19. StarshipAwesome Well-Known Player

    People also have to remember that if there is a per dlc cash increase, they have to increase prices to entice people to buy a subscription. Instead of hard coding it, it'd be easier to write a program that scales prices based off of either your cash cap or number of dlcs purchased. That program and the code to call up that program and run it is gonna be added space used up. It'd probably be based off of the number of dlcs bought just because it would use up less space, but it would still result in an increase in space usage.

    The only thing a cash cap increase would be good for is buying things from the auction house. There's no certainly it would change either an up or down fluctuation in prices, but a lot of things in the AH are overpriced already. Those that don't overprice their stuff are sometimes willing to take bits or bytes for their goods, which is fine if you're premium or will even "give" things away to free players for just $1.
  20. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    Because these people know the rules when they elect to choose a certain subscription level. To choose a certain subscription level then whine about it's limitations knowing that there are viable options to remedy said limitations is silly and childish. This would be like buying a coach plane ticket then complaining that it's unfair you aren't getting the same legroom or meal service than first class.

    Oh, and creating a billion different threads is consistent with the term whining. That and if you think making people who pay nothing happy at the expense of people who actually pay for the game good business then you and I differ on how to run a successful business. To expound, if a F2P or premium player leaves the game, the game isn't out anything but to lose a subscribed player they're losing out on that paid subscription. Using simple math: 0-0=0 but 14.99(or 10.99 if using legendary subscriber pack)-14.99(10.99) =0-14.99(10.99)=-14.99(10.99). When you lose a non-paid subscriber, you lose nothing. When you lose a paid subscriber, you lose that paid subscription money. Simple economics.
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