The real reason behind SP

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by drzdonn, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Bottom line is you will get through content, its too easy atm..

    Try and put those guys in PVP then its a different story.. Love to see a 5s scrim a group with 190 SP and a group with 50 SP.. I'll bet on that lol

    Talking if SP = Player skill then no that statement isn't true, the more SP doesn't mean the better you are at the game. That being said the more SP means the more time put in and more experience which means chances are you have a better shot in that person being more proficient at their role than someone with less experience

    Me personally I don't discriminate against SP, I don't really mind who is in my group as long as they know what they are doing.

    Grab survival mode, the groups that got to round 9+.. What was the CR/SP on those groups?
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  2. Radiohead New Player

    SM scorecards prove nothing imo. Too many variables
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  3. Nemeses Prime Dedicated Player

    Ok, let me say something:

    SP is important. You become more strong and learn better about the game, it's boring sometimes, but increase your patience, but this not meaning you are a good player.
    CR is important. You can enter in higher content, do a lot of RAIDs and have some fun, but this not meaning you are good player.

    So, in my conclusion, even CR and SP don't meaning how good you are. I know a lot of players that are high SP with high CR and they are horrible! And I know a lot of players that are low SP and high CR that are horrible too!

    But, in my opinion, a higher SP player is more "trusted" player, then a high CR player. Because the guy felt more frustations and learn better some mechanics, like AoE damage and Single target damage, how works the POT, HoT, DoT, Colldown. And a higher SP player has more benefits from Inates then a low SP.

    So this is my opinion, a higher SP player is more "possible to trust", and this is all. This is not meaning better player.

    The SP and CR are connected, anyone can't change this! Everytime I am asked by a player what he needs to do, if get the CR or get more SP, I say: "SP, but don't foget to do your duties in your CR, you don't need reset to get a better CR right now, but you can increase you capability and status that are more difficult, to be different from the others players."

    This is my point. And for me, for judge a player if he is good or bad, I need to play with him/her.
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  4. the solowing Unwavering Player

    OK. Well then how do you think this should be solved?
  5. Multiverse Creator League

    ??? No idea what CR or SP the guys had in SM.
    Guess that is something that could be checked now..... but then we would have their current CR/SP as opposed to what they had at the time.

    Now you come back with PVP.... guess we will never see those 23 ScreenShots then?? ;)

    Again.... for your PVP test to be any meaningful.... you would need to have everyone wearing the same gear.
    Give 190SP to one group.... 50SP tot he other group.
    And then do the opposite. Give 50SP to your first group..... then 190SP to the other group.

    And what if the same team wins twice?? What if the same team wins wether they have 190SP or 50SP??

    What then???
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  6. Multiverse Creator League

    How about a duel at dawn with pistols??? ;)
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  7. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  8. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    I wouldn't say nature is the best healing powerset in game, you get bigger heals of sorcery usually. Theres too many factors to judge healing out unfortunatley, not dimishing your performance I'm sure you did a fine job. What round was it?

    If you go into a scrim with 95 SP against a to premade dunno how long you might last tho
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  9. Dr. Quantro Well-Known Player

    SP and CR offer an image of the powerfulness (potential) of a player. I agree this has noting to do with skill, strategic thinking...etc. Time and time again, Odyssey has shown that they can successfully complete alerts and raids with their team having the bare minimum to get into the instance. Skill will always be the deciding factor in this game.

    The communities reaction to SP and CR is normal; its like looking at a resume (CV) and checking a person qualifications and education before deciding if you should hire them. I get why so many make a fuss over it. The Devs have said that SP is just as important as CR and it is. Having said this, I don't think this info should be public when you have infants holding the kick stick.

    If a player meets the CR requirement to enter an instance that's all that should be required, but I do feel that SP should be tied into your CR, so that a certain level of CR guarantees a certain level of SP.
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  10. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    Clearly you don't scrim lol... Everyone uses the same gear in top pvp

    Still a 190 SP player with 50 SP will still have the experience of a 190 SP player (if that makes sense).. Here I am considering mains with 50 SP opposed to mains with 190 SP..

    Erm I'd post them if you want but I would have to black out the names, cba doing that 23 times lol

    Think top gear when SM was out was CR 105 SP 189 - top off my head can't think of anyone that got to round 9+ had less than 140ish

    Having higher grades at school or uni doesn't necessarily mean you are smarter than someone right? But they do show some sort of capability.

    I mean a D average student might be smarter than an A+ but who would you have writing your paper or doing your project? Who would you rather take your chances with
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  11. the solowing Unwavering Player

    See what you are doing is defaulting DPS so as long as you do the most damage, factors are nonfactor regardless of SP, power in, pickups.. But healers and everyone now factors come into play, I outmatched this player though he outgeared me outSPed me and even had the faster/better healing role, I have half his power out, i do not use supercharges or colas and i use my supply drop or henchmen when the trolls are in a pinch and i did so with slightly more power in.

    But now suddenly NOW there is too my factors?! i had him outclassed in every way even though he had better stats and a higher SP but now its too many factors?!
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  12. Multiverse Creator League

    Even if your have 190SP..... if you are in a PUG VS a Pre-Made.... you will not last long.

    Again it would have to be pre-made VS pre-made..... and again.... what if the 95SP wins???

    Would that prove anything??? or would someone say "he was carried by the rest of the group" or some such thing???
  13. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    He clearly said that it is not a guaranteed way to judge. So the OP does not disagree with you. He is simply saying that high CR and high SP make it less likely that the player is terrible...which is true.
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  14. Radiohead New Player

    there is no solution for resolving difference in opinion other than to agree to disagree and move on. It's pretty obvious that people with low sp are always gonna think they are just as good at their role as someone with higher sp. And I am not saying that you aren't. What I am saying is that I will never know because tbh if given the option I would never run with someone who's cr is parallel with their sp unless they are a friend or league mate. I like to surround myself with like-minded individuals and those with low sp are not like-minded
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  15. Radiohead New Player

    in a nutshell
  16. Red Skorpion Dedicated Player

    here is my question .... what makes a player good?? i've seen a truck load of players who've thought they we're good only turn out to disappoint me regularly. Scoreboard chashing DPS devoid of pickups and other task that keep the raid going never contributing to the progress of the overall raid... let me tell you above all of this CR and SP is Knowledge, awareness and team work.

    Knowledge: Know what your role is, what the battle ask for, and the mechanics of the enemy; be good at these and practice until you are an asset to the group rather than a hindrance .... Know the importance of floor spacing and what can kill you.

    Awarness: Be able to react to things in a fight rather it be someone has gotten the red while going for the rifle and killed someone and can not pick it up. Do not wait for someone else to get up the person and shoot the gun show initiative and awareness. pick up no matter your role. and limit deaths in the first place. tanks know where to expect adds is (knowledge) but grasping them quickly before the attack the group is awarness. zooming outwards can help you see the fights more in-depth.

    Team Work: know the powersets around you and maybe ask if the certain powersets can do a few things to benefit the group for instance. if a healer pops a shield every time kalibak charges or mantis escapes his cage, he has about a 50% chance of saving someone life. this goes deeper to using supply drops correctly and certain might and precision buffs like blood lust near players who do not have these benefits.

    Power type

    all influence how good a player is in that order.... but why does it matter? Nearly ever aspect of this game, is easily achievable to the most casual of players if you ask me ... maybe except awareness and teamwork because god forbids with being on for 18 months people still get hit by the warriors ball just "erks" me so badly (and i guess since meta has had nearly the same attack since fos 2 it just proves how sry players can still be)
  17. Multiverse Creator League

    No don't post the screenshots.... I was just teasing you. ;)

    As for scrimmage... I did scrim with Legends. That seems like the best option.

    I have seen too many example of people who would agree to using a certain type of potions or to come into the match with no SC.... only to find out that..... welll some did not quite respect the rules everyone had agreed to.

    Heck even on FNL once in a while you would see people refill their supercharge when it was clearly asked not to do so.

    So I will scim in Legends only. ;)

    Your example does make sens. But what if the 50SP guy does win??? what does that prove at the end of the day??

    Higher grades???? come on.... everyone knows that school is for schumcks. ;)

    But seriously.... again.... it is a nice analogy since yes you can be as smart as RainMan in math and have a 300 IQ when comes the time to count toothpicks or cards..... but still be too dumb to use a toaster. ;)
  18. Volkenraider Loyal Player

    You are assuming its only DPS lol, I'd say power out in trolling shows which troll carried who... Healing out is a bit different, the scorecard doesn't reflect it as linearly as it does for damage and power

    I'm going pre made vs pre made in top arena scrimmages which from your comments sounds like you never do. You are asking what ifs lol, guess the best way is to test it out and see what happens
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i can respect that, i just will not force myself to do activities i do not enjoy
  20. Multiverse Creator League

    When getting people to scrimmage.... not always an option to have people from 2 Leagues to have a League VS League match.

    So sometimes... you will have one group made up from the same League VS people from different Leagues.

    Why says you???

    In short my League is too small.... and not everyone in the League wants to PVP.... so getting random people (essentially PUG) is the only option sometimes.

    So yes.... you do have PUG VS pre-made.... although it would be more accurate I guess to say PUG VS League.

    But it pretty much is the same difference.

    But I quickly gave up on Arena Scrimmage for reason mentiones before and pretty much stuck to Legends scrimmage only.... from time to time.