Rumblecrush doing very little damage

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Teflon, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Remander Steadfast Player

    I love how putting on gear almost kills you, lol!

    So, does each version scale differently? I didn't do the math.
  2. Teflon Well-Known Player

    120 Precision - 922 Might
    Smashing: 96 - 84 - 91
    Throwing: 169 - 185 - 186
    Vanishing: 278 - 294 - 636 crit

    1619 Precision - 3715 Might
    Smashing: 194 - 93 - 95
    Throwing: 349 crit - 338 crit - 395 crit
    Vanishing: 2031 crit - 2064 crit - 1003
  3. Owl Devoted Player

    I just tested 3 different sized objects on OMACs near the Knightsdome Arena in Gotham: Buses, Cars & Barrels.
    Object size appears to affect thrown weaponized objects. Stats do not appear to affect thrown weaponized objects.
    A thrown Bus caused roughly 2.5 times more damage than a thrown Barrel.
    Damage from a thrown Car was more than a thrown Barrel but less than a thrown Bus.
    Damage from a thrown Bus was about the same whether or not Armor was equipped. The same was true for Cars and Barrels.
    A smashed Bus did cause additional damage when armor was equipped.
    I only tried a couple times smashing without armor as this area can be brutal without armor. During my second attempt at smashing without armor I was hammered by Killer Frost. Throwing objects from a distance in this area is much safer.
    I would have ran additional tests but I had a limited amount of time on my lunch break.

    There is a mission to destroy Drones a couple blocks from the Knightsdome Arena. There are a few basic Barrels around the mission giver. There are also Cars in the Drone area. Buses are located in the OMAC area.
  4. Remander Steadfast Player

    That's really odd. It'd be nice to have more data to exclude crits, but it looks like vanishing scales almost 1:1 with might (~4 times damage with more than 4 times might). Throwing, if you didn't crit, would likely be less than double the damage with more than 4 times the might. Smashing scales hardly at all, despite more than 10 times the precision. Would be nice to get some insight from a green name here.
  5. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    lol, how did you take so much damage when equiping gear? BuG!!!
  6. Teflon Well-Known Player

    lol I saw my screen go red and I thought something hit me. I think the devs are trying to tell me I'm getting too close to the truth.
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  7. Remander Steadfast Player

    I suspect your health pool is not updating properly as you add gear and increase your total potential health, so your relative health drops into the red.
  8. TheViolator New Player

    You were in combat mode so when your health dropped it was not automatically replenishing, i'm assuming it also had to do with the huge gap(No gear vs Full gear) in your HP.
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  9. Massah Committed Player

    I could be totally wrong, but I thought smashing of objects was nerfed after the Telekinesis -Light Weight fix.

    Basically objects were no longer weaponizing, as in scaling off of precision stats anymore. I could be wrong- I will test in Gates where the meatballs dealt excessive damage when thrown at Magic.(Most likely will see sub-par damage when I smash the thing)
  10. REDH00Dx52 New Player

    you dont use rumblecrush 4 damage its meant 4 the pi n thats all. this is what rumblecrush comboing is. rumblecrush debris fireld , shards shards reinforce then u do weapon attack by then all u just reset the combo. but the true damage u get 4 rumblecrush is the **** that all crushing moves double tick after iits used just read your pi. earth is a beast dps its the range thats the proble 4 some
  11. REDH00Dx52 New Player

    this is why i only use it in dox cause its a manditor move ive playing near a year now n i finally decided that with all the power ive played(allof them but ice rage and sorcery) i found that the loadouts 4 pve were manditory 2 play your role successfully. however when i entered pvp i could switch it however i wants so i always assumed that the game was originally based itself around pvp cause earth is op the damage is thier u just gotta fish it out its nt like celestial were u can span 3 moves or hardlight where u can simplay do 1 combo clip it to 4 it accually required u 2 understand that the laodout pi affective heavily for example those 300 tics add up when it hits over time with debris field and shards i gave up my earth toon cause i loved it to much when gu36 goes mainstream ill go back but its because i had so much time that i realized that i play the game alot.
  12. Teflon Well-Known Player

    RC was obviously meant to do damage or we wouldn't see what happened in the videos I posted. What other bottom tier power is only there for a PI? This is one of the reasons Earth uses so much power.

    Earth has been running a street race with hiking boots. Fixing this one thing on RC moves Earth up a notch. A long range, WIDE area AOE that does decent damage & sets up a PI... It's just what Earth needs.

    I'm willing to bet that RC has around the same base damage as other bottom tier powers with casting times. I just dont know how to calculate that stuff.
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  13. Remander Steadfast Player

    Reset your SP and any iconic PP that could increase damage, such as Super Strength. Also, remove all your gear. Your precision should be 0 and your might should be 572. Use RC several times for each method and calculate the average values excluding crits. Then do the same with your gear on. Let me know the might and precision (including your weapon DPS). I can run the numbers and let you know if each form of RC is scaling appropriately. I'd do it myself, but I'm at work.
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  14. Teflon Well-Known Player

    I did each method with 10 times with gear off and 10 with gear on. I left off my neck that had escalating might and the gear that added to critical chance and magnitude.

    W/O gear: Smashing 87.8 - Throwing 174.0 - Holding 210.7
    W/ gear: Smashing 88.8 - Throwing 175.2 - Holding 641.4

    Gear stats: 2428 Might - 975 Precision - 224.1 DPS Weapon
  15. Teflon Well-Known Player

    I did each method with 10 times with gear off and 10 with gear on. I left of my neck that had escalating might and the gear that added to critical chance and magnitude.

    W/O gear: Smashing 87.8 - Throwing 174.0 - Holding 210.7
    W/ gear: Smashing 88.8 - Throwing 175.2 - Holding 641.4

    Gear stats: 2428 Might - 975 Precision - 224.1 DPS Weapon
  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Interesting. Well, it seems that by weaponizing the rock (e.g., smashing or throwing), the damage scaling is removed completely, as suggested by Owl's results. Holding it and allowing it to explode does appear to scale properly with might. The base damages are not the same, however, and I'm not sure how to account for that. I know that smashing is precision damage, and throwing is might damage. Without gear, you effectively have no precision, so there must be an innate base damage value of ~88 designated for smashing the rock. Throwing is about double, but it's might damage. It may be that there is a second base damage value in the system specifically for throwing. In any case, the damage clearly does not scale when you weaponize. I'm still not sure why, if both cases act like weaponization, one is precision damage and the other is might--unless the coloring of the damage values is in error.
  17. 478874 Dedicated Player

    And this is exactly why people are always fired up about power sets in this game, and why despite the developers' best efforts to be communicative, forthright and thoughtful, they get flamed into oblivion by the community at large.
  18. Remander Steadfast Player

    I'm going to try and draw attention to this thread in the WIP thread.
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  19. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Just to put this in more perspective, at t5, the damage to power ratio on RC based on Telfon's numbers when thrown (since that's how the PIs are setup) is 0.294x. Larry Liberty was quoted in another thread saying that 6x to x8 damage to power ratio is ideal for endgame DPS. Think about how much more efficient a player has to be to hit that ratio with Earth using RC on a regular basis, and that's ignoring absolute number values which would also probably be much lower too.
  20. Teflon Well-Known Player

    Take a look at the 9-12 second mark of the 1st video and read the combat log. Does Ice Boulder and FireBall show the same type of messaging?

    It says that I knocked out a large rock before the weaponization damage is done to the dummy. I wonder if the normal damage is being lost there.