GU 33 - No MoV Reward

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Tudar, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. KillTheSilence New Player

    It's happening with Promethium Boxes as well. If you open them, nothing comes out.
  2. Black Teddy New Player

    also another problem many people are having you are fortunate that they haven't disappeared like others did
  3. Dump Truck New Player

    I agree, a lot of us Aristos had over 9k in our inventories to buy the complete set on release.... This is complete bogus
  4. Sivulla Dedicated Player

    Yes same for 40/20 marks,legends marks and old Arena Prize boxes are empty.
  5. Tudar New Player

    Ok so I just ran a solo instance to get some pve rewards. It's ALL reward boxes that are bugged. Anything marks or reward box that is consumable is not giving its proper reward.
  6. Starbrand Dedicated Player

    Thanks for easing my pain for not being able to play atm... working hours :p
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  7. Dump Truck New Player

    Correct, in addition all of our saved, but unclaimed, marks of valor from before the update are now useless as well. These are the prior rewards that dropped in bundles of ten and fifty.

    Many of us, knowing the new rewards would be less marks than prior to today replayed our arenas to save those fifty and ten mark bundles... Those marks, which were legitimately earned, saved, and cost real money... Are now unusable. This was no where in the patch notes... And is leaving many like myself angry that there was no prior announcement by any developer these would be disabled. I can tell you honestly, many in the aristocrats had over 9,000 marks saved up for the entire suit on day one. Please fix this or give us our replays back
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  8. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Muahaha and hopefully they'll have it fixed by the time I get home from work so I haven't missed anythign and i'm not held up! Yay working people :p
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  9. Longshot Well-Known Player

    Did you guys honestly expect an update to work properly?

    Hopefully they can fix it quickly.
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  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Aye I spent like 400 replays yesterday getting up to 5k marks total in preparation for today.
  11. Dump Truck New Player

    ou don't want to know how much pvp we've been doing or inventory shuffling to save over 9k
  12. BackFreckIe New Player

    Lol calm down, wait till the servers are back up then go crazy (I'm on the same boat so I know what you're feeling) but maybe it was just a bug that'll get fixed once servers come back up. I already told crafty and they addressed my post, so they know what's going on
  13. Giggles Loyal Player

    I'm not sure what you guys are having trouble with. I finished my entire Android set this morning, and the variants. Proof below. Yes, I had 9k+ MoV in my bank and inventory.
  14. Dump Truck New Player

    Congrats, you are not bugged. Many are
  15. iLLusion New Player

    I'm experiencing the same issue. I've had some marks saved up from before, and consuming them did nothing. After that, I went ahead and did couple of Arena matches which resulted in zero reward. However, I managed to get marks from Legends, but as soon as I've consumed them they did not count toward my Marks of Valor count.
  16. Underwolg New Player

    Well no reward for pvp it sucks...
  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    aye my 2s partner doing it yesterday should have over 10k :D, he was salvaging all his offrole gear and what not to make space... I wasn't willing to go that far.
  18. Dump Truck New Player

    Preach brother man!!!!
  19. BackFreckIe New Player

    The real question is why the f#$% is the new set only a 25 point feat...
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  20. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    no love for PVP iconic style feats.