Armories Arrive in DCUO Next Week!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Captain Liberty, Jan 6, 2014.

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  1. Sylo Committed Player

    I would like to add, the $8 price tag is just a business tactic they are using to generate more higher SC sales( cpt. obvious here ) from free and legendary players. Legendary players will most likely buy the 500SC after they get their monthly allowance if they just want one extra. Also by charging $8 this prevents some legendary members from waiting for allowance and buying $10 worth of SC in hopes to get two armories or 3 if they were 500SC, instead what I'm sure the dev's are hoping for is said players will op to buy 2000SC thinking WTH added with my 500SC allowance I can now get three armories. Rather than make it in line with the current set up 500sc = $500, 1000 = $10, etc they are able to squeeze more out of the players by charging them a number there is no SC equivalent for, free and legendary. This is what I think has people upset( or maybe just me ).

    Either way this is a sign of things to come, brace yourselves for the reality that will most likely come with purchasable feats.
  2. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    you're absolutely right in everything you say. SOE is not obliged to to make it for everyone, but they could, and they could make more money of it as well.

    Why restrict armories' availabiity and SOE's earnings by having it a pricepoint that isn't liked by most?

    They certainly could keep it as a luxury item, but if reducing 2-3 bucks per unit would make them sell many times more and have more people happy, why not?

    In economics there's a concept called price elasticity of demand, which basically measures how much more an item would sell if it lowered it's price 1 dollar or how much less it would sell if it increased it 1 dollar. We don't have enough data to calculate this properly, but it's clear people are very sensitive to price here and a 2-3 dls price drop would increase sales exponentially.

    Since the cost of making them won't change anymore, there really isn't an impediment to reducing prices a bit, they'll win, we'll win and everyone will be happy :)
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  3. SuperiorMouse New Player

    OR... here's a thought. since this feature was originally supposed to be part of a DLC... but it was then positioned as a gift that was going to be given freely to all players outside of the DLC (or was the truth they realized could get money from subs?).

    KEEP the proposed pricing structure, BUT ONLY for premium players.

    instead, make ALL Armouries FREE for Legendary. /problem solved. they would have been free for legendary as part of the DLCs anyhow. subs make up a very small portion of the revenue (we hear) ... and this would add more value to a subscription.
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  4. Kid Sorbet New Player

    Hmm, well $8 a pop seems a bit steep but some of the bundles aren't too bad especially if you consider them a once only purchase. I'll probably pick up the 8pack and use three or four for my main and distribute the rest amongst alts.

    That said, a lot of people are calling armories a "convenience" and simply a way to avoid respeccing. True but I see them as much more. For instance, in Nexus I like a different build for bosses vs. hallways. I usually take a minute to change my load out in between fights. I will be thrilled to be able to switch builds on the fly for moments like that. I think there are quite a few DPSs who'll like being able to have boss builds vs. mob builds for raids.
  5. eanur Well-Known Player

    Hi, eanur here any chance of adding a 2 pack for like $7 each? I only ask cause u seem to go from 1 pack to 4 pack but for some people just 3 armouries (1 for dps, 1 for off roll and one for something else) will suit people better and not force them to get 2 extra armouries please.
  6. IvoMnik New Player

    Since I am not making SENSE to you , I suggest you think upon this


    I have actually linked the video from 26th of NOVEMBER were they did present the armories , but what was shown in it WAS NO LONGER VALID .

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  7. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    Did it ever occur to you that the pricing is intentionally steep so that when there's a sale (or price drop), players snap them up?
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  8. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    absolutely, but why not have players snap them up now?
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  9. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    You guys really need to focus on this issue. Its simple business if you keep the high price point you will lose out of a lot of sales. Think about it like this: what would you rather have 4 sales a 5 bucks a pop or 2 sales at 8 a pop? Do the math you make more money with the four sales. Now figure that with how many ppl play this game. If 1000 ppl buy it at 5 a pop compared to say only 500 at 8 a pop youre looking at a thousand dollar difference in sales. You made the item already its infinite.
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  10. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    This.....has got to be the worst idea in this thread atm.
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  11. savageprime New Player

    I agree with most others on here. Prices are too dang high and this is coming from a player who spends money at a whim on power tokens, r&d scanners, radars, etc. I honestly had plans to get at least two armories along with the free one for pve troll/dps and pvp spec (plus another two for my alt) but now i will use the free one for troll/heal and just keep a dps spec shared for pvp/pve and manually change the gear myself so at max i MAYBE will buy two and thats a huge MAYBE cause my alt can wait till a sale.

    You devs hold out on giving us upfront and straight answers and frankly its unacceptable. Seriously you are so clearly money greedy you limit the amount of SP/PP you can have unspent to ensure people buy more! Then they arent even account bound! Heck even the dang R&D station you buy is account bound, legends characters are account bound but armories arent? You are taking advantage of an exciting feature that alot of people were looking forward to and exploiting it in a negative way. I know your looking for profit but your are losing out the way you are headed.

    In all honesty nobody but you devs really know if people are going to buy them or not because just cause someone shouts and rants on there "IM NOT GETTING ANY!" doenst mean they arent going back and buying to whole 15 pack but i will tell you upfront with the direction your going but personally i will not be buying the intended amount if there are not changes brought to this. (Heck i have the respecc station in my base so i will survive lol :D)
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  12. Lacedog Loyal Player

    i like the idea, but thats not entirely accurate. armories were supposed to be part of a dlc, which as legendary, we would of had free access. but just like bases, we would have probably had to buy the extras anyway, just like bases are now.

    i do agree with making a legendary subscription mean more though. they, and other blind supporters, will say we are given 500 lp every month, just save them up. which is very true. but ill be willing to bet id buy a lot more now, then i would if i had to wait to save up from loyalty points, if the price were a lot lower. i dont know how they fix this, but it needs fixed somehow.
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  13. Zozame New Player

    Aren't we forced to buy atleast 1 armory if we want to switch back between two specifications? For example, if you want to constantly switch back and forth between being a dps and a tank, you will need 2 armories to save your tank and dps specifications. But, since we only get 1 armory for free, we can quickly and easily switch from a dps to our saved tank specifications but will have to manually specify through the old school method back into a dps unless we purchased a second armory to save the specification.
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  14. Walterlight New Player

    buying 1 is better than 2 :) be grateful of the free one
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  15. Lacedog Loyal Player

    someones discussing lockboxes in the game discussion thread. throw some armories in there. why not? id much rather the price of armories be lower, but its an idea.
  16. Imsms08 New Player

    Like everyone else I agree the price is more then I thought it would be. Seeing how the lair deeds themselves are only $3.00 I was thinking that the armories would be around the same price since you have to own a base to even use them.
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  17. Seismicfesr Dedicated Player

    you know i said exact same thing when ppl cried about only getting one free but this is different we are not asking for these thing free we just want a fair price point
  18. Azrael New Player

    I think majority of the community it boils down TWO REASONABLE Options:

    1.) keep price current prices but make it ACCOUNT BOUND


    2.) keep them as a consumables but reduce it to $5.

    A post Mepps posted saving if you were legendary and got the free 500 LP points it will be like getting an extra armory a month for free. He suggested that the price would be $5 which most find acceptable not this ridiculous $8 price tag.
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  19. tukuan Devoted Player

    For me at least it was not the appearance per sea it was the size. TBH while I'm looking forward to seeing what they'll look like under the other themes, I quite liked the deco and gothic looks. That said if they were 50-70% of their current size I would be considerably happier on that front.
  20. Lacedog Loyal Player

    account bound wouldnt help me, as i only seriously run one character. but yes, that would be one major step in the right direction.
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