What DC Characters Can't Be Built In DCUO?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Olovan, Sep 7, 2013.

  1. Sore Steadfast Player

    14 ball, corner pocket.
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  2. McGhee Well-Known Player

    I accept your challenge. I select Superman, Mr. Miracle, Hawkman, Hourman, Bizarro and Deathstoke. Please let me know if these are not in the half you can make loadouts for.

    Can you do Flash? I consider him physical as well.
  3. IIJetfire New Player

    What cannot be built is the one which you don't want it to be built.;):cool:
  4. Multiverse Creator League

    Would it make you feel better if I used The Atom, Giganta, Colossal Boy,???? ;)
  5. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    You forgot
    Shrinking Violet
    Atom Smasher
    and probably a few more...
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  6. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    This makes me sad. I have several characters waiting for these powers.
  7. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Giganta can be like Bane! She can increase her size, smash opponents, grab a rock and basically just smash smash abilities! And since you haven't mentioned difficulties on water powers... I still have faith that it will be in the game.. Someday..
  8. Owl Devoted Player

    Will Plastic Man ever be used as a NPC?
    Old DCUO character Model below:
  9. Owl Devoted Player

    So when can we expect Metamorpho in the the game?
    Old Metamorpho DCUO character model below:
  10. LordNightmare New Player

    The Question. Apparently there's no "homemade items" powerset for whatever reason.
  11. 139 Masks Dedicated Player

    Of course.
    I listed Colossal Boy and Shrinking Violet on my list.
    This is a DC Universe game after all.
  12. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player


    Shade, the Changing Man

    Shade, the immortal



    I forget who else has and hasn't been listed by myself and others
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  13. Theotormon New Player

    Look, I currently play a Captain Marvel-like character using Earth powers. Can I use Earth to emulate some of the abilities of super-strength? Yes. Does it bug me because Captain Marvel doesn't have earth powers? Yes. I guess if I was the kind of player who only cared about functionality then this wouldn't bother me. But, to some of us, the concept is important.
  14. Multiverse Creator League

    The game does start by introducing the players to the concept of the Multiverse.

    A concept that is shared by both DC and Marvel.

    The Multiverse contains the DC Earth 01, Earth 02, Earth 03, as well as the Marvel Earth 616, Earth 295, Earth 2149, Earth 982. Will let you guess which Earth is which. ;)

    And many other Earths from both DC or Marvel.

    Heck even in the comics the DC and Marvel characters have met multiple times. So is it that big of a stretch if they meet in DCUO???
  15. TheChromeKnight Well-Known Player

    Really, Jens? Still sticking to Cao's old line about a powerset not being "flashy enough"?
    I am disappoint :(
    That was his excuse for not having a physical/invulnerability powerset.
    I really don't believe that anyone advocating for one, would complain if it wasn't visually... exciting.

    And personally, I was really hoping for a size powerset. (Growth and shrinking, maybe).
    "meh" or not. For many of us, it's all about concept, as long as it's viable.

    This! ^

    I have a Kryptonian-type character with Earth. It works for the tanking and super-strength feel, but seeing earth powers does get to me.
    One could make a Captain Marvel inspired DPS character using electric, but would not be able to take a beating.
    (I say DPS, as I haven't seen anyone in the Marvel/Adam family use electricity to heal others than themselves).

    All that said...
    Do I have enough of an imagination to be content with earth?
    Would I buy a power respec if a physical/invulnerability set (even a very "meh" one) were introduced?
    In a friggn' heartbeat.
    A few of them.

    **puts 2 pennies on the table**
  16. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Could you possibly twist my words more? I'm not even talking about a physical power set in that quote. Take a time out for a second.

    The first problem with doing Giganta is size. Player expectation will be that she is large. The more reasonable we make her in size, the more underwhelming she will become. But we would have to limit her size significantly for several reasons.

    1) Our camera does not function well when characters scale up. Even Bane's super charge in legends gets annoying, but it only lasts 30 seconds. A better example is found when the player is possessed by Spectre. It's all kinds of broken with the camera. It's okay for the 30 seconds it happens. It is not okay for the length of legends matches.

    2) Legends characters use existing weapons. We have no weapon that looks good when something is scaled up that large. It looks bad. We aren't going to make a new "giant" set of weapon combos because legends use real weapons. So, the animations are simply not in place from a player perspective (we have 3 custom anims for NPCs, but that is it).

    I came in here to join the fun, so let's keep the tone that way please.
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  17. BigAl Devoted Player

    There is no fun in DCUO, just u. :p
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  18. Delta795 New Player

    Not sure why people have issues creating Cpt. Marvel the tools are all there...
    He's magic based but emits electricity. Use brawling as you weapon, electricity as power and add super strength. Ez-Peezy
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  19. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Shazam, particularly the new revamped powers (forget costume) is totally achievable. He would be a flying brawler with Electric VFX and some physical attacks.
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  20. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Will we ever see Doomsday in legends? Not sure if someone already asked. (just read a little)