Celestial DPS is way OP

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Infinity, Sep 11, 2013.

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  1. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Me and bedo duked it out a couple times and ended basically neck and neck... he may have even been a hair higher overall... but he is one of the dps I consider better than myself. The difference was he used like 9:1 dam:pwer, I was at 12:1. Put us in a situation with a solo troll and I can still do my rotation and i'll smoke him on damage. But, it wasn't much diff when i was quantum on the damage side. But i also matched his power costs.

    Seeing some of the crazy hero side power drainers in action (ya'll use WAY more power but do a bit more damage) the top quantum was still leading the celestial both using crazy power doing the RDJ combo on celestial.

    So IMO the only issue is that it does damage comprable to 200-250 base power/s rotation on other powersets, but only takes like 150-200.

    I'll jsut leave it there and refer to my other post though :D
  2. fairyoftime New Player

    Celestial is king of buffs.
  3. Infinity New Player

  4. Infinity New Player

    WCS for single target, FFF for 4+ mid ranged, LJF for melee.
  5. Infinity New Player

    Thank you Jeebie, I know you and Bedo have probably already figured this all out. Thank you for bringing in numbers to show that Celestial's damage to power-in ratio is out of balance. There's a post in here where someone is claiming Celestial is power hungry!
  6. Infinity New Player

    Have you played with Rag since he went Celestial?
  7. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Funny thing is it can be! lol

    If I want to max it out I can be using 400+ power/s... but I can do like 90% of that damage sitting at 200power/s. That's the issue. Where HL is doing 400ish, Celestial is doing 400ish. Where HL is doing 300ish Celestial is doing 200ish, where HL is doing 200ish Celestial is destroying them in damage:D
  8. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I have not but played with ataris
  9. Infinity New Player

    It's just in the raids where things take a long time to kill. In lower content (TP/BIA/FR/Any Lower Tier Anything), everything dies so fast that whoever gets there first gets the damage. But honestly, does any content matter anymore besides Paradox and Nexus?
  10. fairyoftime New Player

    Celestial is slow so expect big damage. if it was slow in weak no one would use it ,maybe healer its like two handed weapon.
  11. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Ok Jeeb, I had to read this like eight times and its pretty solid but I missed the part as to why the power costs and damage to retribution-cwither or wither-cretribution need to be adjusted. I'm not arguing for or against but I didn't see a compelling argument to "fix" what I do not see at this point is a - broken or b - and exploit.

    In order to push celestial you have to strain two trolls, drop supply drops, and drink sodas. I didn't see a compelling reason "adjust" that power and combo. The math is solid I am not seeing an imbalance.

    I wouldn't mind seeing the combo time p-cdl or DL-cp be just a little bit quick or the damage bumped a little. Not both but one or the other.
  12. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    The score card means nothing, quit acting like its important.
  13. Lightful New Player

    Oh I get it now...

    Celestial > HL = OP!! NERF, QQ...

    HL > Celestial = Balanced.

    I'm a hardlight DPS fanatic and I hope I get out DPS'd be a Celestial user. That way all the number obsessed DPS' will switch to Celestial. I'm tired of seeing every DPS with a ring.
    • Like x 7
  14. RawR New Player

    Do you know what this really sounds like? Seriously, this is a perfect example of someone crying online. You seriously sound like a baby.

    Waa this guy on my team is doing more damage than me. You're one of these people who others wouldn't play with cause you're about nothing but trying to do damage, probably die cause you rely on healers to get you out of everything (no dodging). If you played a shooter game and a few people get 5 kills and you get 3 you're going to cry about that too? (I already know the answer so don't answer)
  15. Alpha vermelho Committed Player

    I think that cel need a tiny buffs, like in shield that is a paper.
    Need fix the combos to make more quick and job is done, think about nexr dlc.
  16. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    It was just a possible fix.

    Retribution is not broken, it's just SUPER efficient, and high dps. It alone matches a Nature's total dps basically (when done without phase dodge). When we buff it and slip things in correctly we can use a retribution based rotation where 10/13s is retribution spam and be matching HL using 300 power/s and we're only using like 200 power/s.

    The only issue is the power cost. Celestial is too efficient at a high level. it lacks the ability to scale though. I can basically do 200 power/s at 2200 dps, or I can do 2400 dps at 400+ power/s. I don't have anything in between.

    So my suggestion was the reduce the efficiency without reducing the damage on retribution by increasing power costs. Then adjusting wither to fill that slot in a power efficient rotation. So we could do a rotation at 200 pwoer/s or one at 250+ or one at 400+ and it'd scale similarly to other powersets.

    I don't know how to explain it other than this. When you play Celestial you're DPS on each attack is going to remain right around the 2k level a few bouncing higher a few lower but the differences is pretty small. Compare that to a mental where some powers are doing like 3k and others like 1k balancing out to 2kish.

    Celestial doesn't have the higher dps options to balance out retribution if ti's damage were lowered, but retribution is just so effecient it makes the entire powerset too efficient good damage.
  17. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    It's not even that Celestial is > HL, it's that Celestial = HL with half the power:D
    • Like x 2
  18. The Hornet New Player

    I don't know about adjustments, but I do know that my league buddy who usually trailed my mental DPS by 100-250k is now neck-and-neck with me in a typical Nexus run after he switched to Celestial and really worked at mastering his combos. That said, I actually enjoy it, because; 1. It takes some of the pressure off me to do 1.5 times my share of the damage - I can pop a supply drop, or pick up a teammate and know the burn is still good, and 2. It pushes me to tinker with my loadout and rotation to see if I can maximize my power (mental's) potential.

    At the end of the day, we're on the same team. PvE guys shouldn't be trying to get stuff nerfed unless something's so broke you can't get into a pug group without sporting the flavor of the month.
    • Like x 3
  19. Fridged New Player

    The most hilarious thread I have read in a long time! HL has been OP since the getgo and the easiest power to use, how it has gone so long avoiding the nerftrain is beyond me. Celestial can be powerful yes,but it requires way better timing and more skill than HL ever has or will. Personally I think the nerfhammer should come down on HL, then maybe this thread would have an ounce of credibility!
    • Like x 4
  20. Lynx Committed Player

    Celestial is not overpowered, hard light and gadgets have just been out of balance for a long time. It's kinda funny that a new contender comes along that can match up and the lantern players start crying up a storm.

    It feels like it's where any dps power set should be, I think the issue here is that many other power sets are in need of improvement when it comes to DPS. Electricity, for example, cannot hold a candle to any other power set, aside from maybe sorcery, when it comes to non-AoE damage, and even electric's aoe damage is pretty bad compared to most.
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