Every decent name is taken

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scorch Bomb, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. DEATHTAG New Player

    What they should do is anyone who is not paying a sub but as been inactive for say 1 year loses their name. Not their character. It would just prompt them to create a new name. If your paying a sub, you should be able to keep all names regardless of activity. There are hundreds of thousands of names that were created at launch that don't even play anymore. Open them up for the gamers that do play.
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  2. Poetic Play Committed Player

    I didn't have to put X's in my name. That's a start... Oh derpy one.
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  3. Multiverse Creator League

    Then why not dazzle us with your original names with no Xs if you are sooooo original??
  4. Poetic Play Committed Player

    They risk losing potential money then. What if the player decides to come back and sub, only to see his name reset and decides not to play? Then again the same could be said for the new player who can't figure out a name. I remember in my old game they would let you write a ticket and make a claim for a used name, the GM would investigate and see if that player has played within a year, if not... they would reset the name and let you have it.

    Maybe this could be an option? Still doesn't solve the "what ifs". There's always the option of just finding something else to use as your name :p
  5. colonelbondo Well-Known Player

    i always get the names i want
  6. Poetic Play Committed Player

    Lol my main is my forum name. I don't need to tell anyone my alts to get harassed by you in-game also on them.

    Stop being childish and just make up a name, or put two words together. It's not that hard... Magnetoxxxxxxxxxx lol.
  7. Multiverse Creator League

    Sure.... arrassing your alts in game??? as I am arrassing your Poetic Play character in game right??? which is not at all.

    That is a good excuse not to share your originality with the rest of us.

    If your original names are like Poetic Play.... I will stick to Magneto thank you.

    Poetic Play.... Bwahhahahhahahhahahaha!!!!!!!!

    That is an example of someone who brags.... brags about being original.... with a name that no one would ever want to use. :rolleyes:

    I could make myself an original toon named Jock Strap. Sooooo original right??? But not gonna happen.
  8. Poetic Play Committed Player

    Jock Strap would be more original to use as a name than Magneto. Why? Because Magneto is already a name. Derp.

    Yeah shows your true age when you insult people's names because you had to use X's with your slow ability to think of anything else. Lol. Go check your thread where I politely explain to you the game mechanics btw.

    "arrassing" Lolol.

    Edit; Won't be replying, it's off topic in a way. I already voiced my opinion on this matter really so... poof.
  9. Multiverse Creator League

    Poetic.... I don't usually make fun of peoples name... even those like SupaKilla.

    But you have been pretty much trolling for this in your various posts.

    So don't start crying now because you reap what you sow.

    And I did politely thank you for your comment in the other thread.

    So lets just agree that you like made up names no matter how silly they are and I like recongizable names no matter how unoriginal they are and call it quits.
  10. Twilight Man New Player

    I was going to simply write "dislike" as my post to your thread, decided to help you instead.

    List of Languages by Total Number of Speakers
    Every Word in English Language
    List of all names

    Use your imagination and the speech skills you've been utilizing since birth.
    If you find that the name you think of is taken. Try harder.

    If you find you're still unable to tap into the amazing abilities of the human imagination, here is an easy mode link:
    Name Generators
  11. Makado New Player

    I've been lucky enough to have some names on lock. I use to have a few awesome names but I deleted them. Kid Justice, Wild Child, Hellsing, and Dr Havoc.......I really should of kept those names...

    At least I have names like Sinister Saint, Black Harvest, Faultwire, Wasteland, and Wink.

    As far as making names adding the number zero is a great replacement for o. Like KID NITR0.....that's not bad at all. If u have to look at a thesaurus, it might help.
  12. PureDarkness Dedicated Player

    Think about a backstory for ur character. His mentor, power, movement mode, body size, etc. Look what I can do only with this information:
    • I made a clown-looking character. Villain, Joker-mentored, Gadgets, Flight. Looks like a failed Experiment. Littlest body possible... Experiment MiniJoker
    • Villain. Lex Luthor mentored. HL and acro. However, I don't want it to be light, but rather some pure energy. Well... yellow energy will sound like P, how about Golden Energy?
    • My little sister decided to help me with creating a character. I just said it should be a healer and a villain. Well, female, nature (for the flowers), Circe, flight. OK. Nature... Seed, Root, Flower or something. Villain.... Darkness, Rot, Sin, etc. SeedOfDarkness.

    The names are pretty decent. Even though the 2 last ones are created only a few weeks ago. I'm sure u can create ur own special names with some imagination
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  13. Captain Spire New Player

    Imagination. Try it.

    Even do a goole search for "odd" names and put an adjective before or after it.

    Here's two
    Omega Immolation
    Maximum Molecule

    I only can make 50 in 20 minutes. Its not hard
  14. Tskales Well-Known Player

    Those are crap, though.

    There's a huge difference between being creative, and putting random "mean" words together.

    What you just posted was a complete lack of imagination.
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  15. CommonSense New Player

    Basically this, only I think 1 year is too long. Six months a nice median.
  16. Kaleb57 Well-Known Player

    Kaleb58 isn't taken, you can have that if you want :)
  17. Multiverse Creator League

    But.... but.... I wanted Kaleb53?? :(
  18. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    Some ideas I've posted elsewhere. Someone wants them, go for it...

    Mental - Sarah Bellum
    Ice - Premature Refrigeration
    Fire Speedster - Rapid Boil
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  19. Chungweishan New Player

    You have to remember sometimes it's not the name, it's what the players do in-game. I've seen some names that I consider bad or simple, but the players have great reputations.

    If I think of all the DC comic names: Batman, Superman, Catwoman, Deathstroke. I mean, they're pretty simple. Man dressed as a bat. A man that's super-powered. Woman dressed like a cat. An assassin that uses a sword. Are the names cool? Not really. We're just used to the characterization and stories that made them cool. Most names are just puns anyways.

    So is "Omega Immolation" good? Maybe not. But if Omega Immolation is currently beating the crap out of your character every time you see him in PvP, guarantees success in every PvE instance, you might start thinking differently about the name.

    Plenty of names to use, just make sure you live up to the name itself. If you're "Newbslayer Killerface", be sure you're never in a position that you're beaten by ... well the exact players you're supposed to slay. If you're "Best Healerman" there's a good chance no one will take you seriously, or have some high expectations.

    And if you do plan on using different languages, just know someone will mispronounce it. And most of all, most people will just nickname you. So "Newbslayer Killerface", yup... everyone will call you "Newb" in chat or on mic.
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  20. Fifinella Well-Known Player

    The more of this thread I read, the more I start to wonder if I should change my characters names. Mostly because the majority of them are named after TV show characters from the 50s-70s. The remaining few are named after historical figures (except my primary who uses an adjective as her name). I'll be the first to admit that I have a complete lack of imagination in naming, and was a little surprised that some of those names weren't already taken. Except that I look at my characters and think, "I'm happy with their names. It's part of who I am because I grew up watching those TV series."

    Go through a Thesaurus and look up any of the words that can be used to describe your weapons, movement mode, or power. Just think Green Lantern is named after his weapon, and the Flash after (well, um) an aspect of his movement mode. Also go through Wikipedia (and other encyclopedias) to see if any ideas turn up. I'm stopping here before I write 10-12 pages on Nietzsche's Übermensch and Fritz Lang's Metropolis.

    I still swear I'm changing my name to "Darling Vigilante" every time I see it misspelled in the game's chat box.
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