Every decent name is taken

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scorch Bomb, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    Whenever a specific name is invalid or taken, I prefer to use generic names. This way if I wanted to change characters, I could still make the name fit. The word Metahuman is used to describe any person(s) with superpowers in both the DC & Marvel Universes, of course Marvel also uses mutants for those that gain powers from the "X-gene."

    Names that are still available on PC after 15mns of trying... btw, the X is intentionally paying homage to the Marvel mutants.

    X Metahuman - Saving this for myself
    MetaMutant X
    X MetaMutant
    Metahuman MAGNET0 - Magneto is invalid, so you would've needed to substitute the "o" with "0." I think using all caps is the lesser of two evils when having to use numbers and keeps the numbers from standing out too much.

    There's many more variations of just these, you can try different spacing like "Meta HumanX" for example or reversing the name order.
  2. Tocimus Committed Player

    this game doesnt have the amount of players other mmo's have per server. yet there are new names made their without the xxx all the time. maybe you guys should actually make a name instead of trying to take one from a movie/comic/game. those will always be taken up on the launch day of any game.
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  3. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    It's not that hard. You can make changes to words and make them your own easily. A week after quantum came out I made a toon. I didn't use anything off the wall, no x's or numbers. I didn't think about it for a long time. I tried maybe 2 other names before I named my toon Quanta Singularity. Names are there. You just have to get a bit creative.
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  4. Enzan Committed Player

    It isn't hard lol. I created a female character(To get a glimpse of other styles, since I own 4 males.) and came up with "Amethyne" - In which I wanted to find a similar word for Purple, saw Amethyst, and worked my own magic to create her name.
  5. DXLelouch New Player

    Morrigan was taken so i just combined Morrigan and Lilith into Morriganith
    dont try taking it either its already saved for my dps or healer celestial character
  6. MrLightningGale Level 30

    Have a name you want and it's taken? Just type it out in reverse


    That or just use creativity to make a name. Highly doubt "Every" decent name is taken.
  7. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    still lack of creativity
  8. Multiverse Creator League

    I see all the posts about being creative... but....

    Who freakin wants to be named ``Namtab``???

    If you guys like names like Quanta Singularity or Amthyne.... good for you.

    But I would never use such name.

    Sure I might have been able to use something like MagnusMuntatoid or some such name.... but would never.... nerver use such name.

    If you guys think you are creative and like your names... good for you.

    And I guess it beats names like SupAkillArullZZ... but not by much.
  9. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    Extremely...I hate "x" infront of and behind a name...I don't ever have too much trouble (eventually) coming up with a name...I'll let you know after this new power set comes out if it's still the case.
  10. Sectumsempra Dedicated Player

    stop going after things like, "oh hey, im dead pool, bateman, aquaeman"

    use other languages, roots and cultures in your names.
    The goal is more to have a memorable name then one that's associated with some hero.

    No one keeps 1 style for ever and few keep 1 power for their character forever.
    I have a naming pattern that is foolproof, has all letters and I'm always satisfied.
  11. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I've only been playing since January...My names are Faithless Reaper, Red Mauler, Woden Son, CREATUREofTHEwheel, Minerva Jovesdotter (not great, but passable) Silver Finish...I like them, FR, WS and Creature were my first choices (as in I didn't have to think long and hard, which is good, I'm not good at that)...You just gotta be creative...
  12. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Well at least we were trying to be original and not copy a character that already exists. That's annoying in itself. I'm talking to you, the 25632464346 Batman wannabes.
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  13. Multiverse Creator League

    I don`t want to be Batman... I want to be Catman. Shows how much you know. ;)

    But seriously..... I would prefer to be a Batman wannabe then being Guanoman just to be trying to be original.

    Also... a lot of those original character turn out to be pretty generic.

    You essentially stand out in a group when you have a Batman wannabe.

    It was especially true when the top gear was T3.

    When the top gear was T3... you had all those ``original`` characters that all pretty much looked like generic transformers characters and could barely tell them appart.

    So when you had a Batman wannabe... you would actually stand out in the group.

    Although there is a bit more variety in the generic characters right now.... it is still true.

    So when someone says go next to Batman... everyone know instantly who they mean without even needed to read the name and go there.

    But when you tell everyone go next to Magnazoid that has the same generic look then everyone else... it takes a second or two to read everyones names to see which one again is supposed to be Magnazoid??

    It may not seem that way if you play only with your league mates..... after a while you know who your league mates are....but when you pug a lot you often can barely tell one toon form the next.

    In pugs.... having a Deadpool and an Iron Man etc does help.
  14. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    That's why the names are written above people's heads. You just have to read. :p
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  15. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    Seriously though, I pug all the time. I don't have that issue.
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  16. Multiverse Creator League

    Come on.... you are talking about DCUO here. ;)

    About healer who dont heal. Troller who dont give power. Tanks who try to outDPS the DPS in the group.

    Dont you think you are asking for a little too much here??? ;)
  17. Poetic Play Committed Player

    I'm sorry but the fact that the first name you tried when starting was one of an already existing character in comic book lore....shows that you have no creativity. That's to anyone who does that.

    If you can't create a name yourself, something to be your calling card.. then the problem isn't the game's fault, it's yours. I started this game well after it was out, yet I still got all my names I had planned. Why? I didn't go looking them up on Google or Wiki to get one someone else made for me.

    Not saying anything is wrong with doing that, but if you chose to do that... Then you have no one to blame for your lack of creativity.
  18. CarlynnCarnage 10000 Post Club

    I don't know. I like to give people credit till they prove otherwise. Not the other way around. I'm funny that way! :D
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  19. Multiverse Creator League

    Illuminate us.

    What creative name did you come up with Oh creative one??
  20. Multiverse Creator League

    I have to ask...... Where did I say this was the first name I tried??

    I can only assume you meant me.... but if not then ignore this.

    I did not plan to use Magneto. I did not plan to make a Mental troll but it happened.

    And I did try other names first... but after many name invalid I settled for MAGNUSxxFirstClass at first. Hated it and changed it later.

    No I would not use names like Ironus Attractus even if it had worked. No way.

    I made a choice.... I could have gone with a silly supposedly original name.... or with a familiar one.

    There is no way that I would have used a silly name just to look supposedly creative.

    Not gonna happen.

    But more and more you run into name invalid or name taken as you try to create new characters,

    And its only going to get worse as people keep on creating new characters.

    So get used to seeing more Sup3rKyll3rZZ or xxDeadxxxxxPoolxxxx some such names.

    p.s. never realised how popular Deadpool really was before playing this game.