Every decent name is taken

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scorch Bomb, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. DrewCheech New Player

    Totally agree.
    Whenever we get together to start from scratch and make new toons.
    The name process is always the longest part. All the best names seem to be taken.
    I'm talking we look through LOTR books and stuff to find off the wall cool names and there used.
    I hit a gold mine when I went back to Eternal Darkness from gamecube.
    All my toons are named from the ancients:
    Manterok - main
    Chaturga, Xeletoth, Ulyoth - my alts
  2. DarthBiotoa New Player

    i LOL'd so hard when i read that.
  3. McGhee Well-Known Player

    There are approx. 1,013,913 words in the English language. That allows for over 1,521,373,912 two word combinations if the word order is always imporant plus the original 1,013,913. It allows for 514,009,278,828 two word combinations if word order is not important. That is enough for every person on the planet to have 72 individual and differently named toons.

    I understand that every English word doesn't lend itself to a hero or villain name. There are also names from gods, monsters, demons, creatures, and other mythical characters from around the world. There are also names from words from other languages. There are also names based of historical figures.

    Its easy to get a good name. Observe. You've decided to go with a magnetic theme. Obviously, "Magneto" was taken so decided to go with "MagnetoxxxFirstClass". That's a great name. Really, it is. I'm sure people love typing that in. Think about these:
    Scientific: Dr. Lodestone (google "lodestone"), Leyden Man (google "Leyden jar"), Dr. Faraday (google "Faraday's Law"), or a character based on the most magnetic elements: Iron, Nickel, and Cobalt. Meisner effect, Magnetar, Neutron Star, Pulsar or Magnetotaxis themed names.
    Historic: Thale [of] Miletus (first person recorded to mention concept of magnetism), Sushruta, Oersted, Faraday, Guass, or Maxwell, Zheng He
    Mythical: Magnes (Greek)
  4. Kal El-Oh-El Well-Known Player

    Stop making alts and posting about non-existent problems. No, I have no issues with finding a name. This particular character is just about a month old and I was able to get the exact name I wanted on my first attempt. You just need to be more creative.

    When I see another player with x's in their name, I feel warm and fuzzy inside. I feel as if the world around me has hope. I would miss it greatly.
  5. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    No you didn't. You wanted to take away names from people who already had them. You used the "too many X's and numbers" thing to try to justify it after the fact. That's why you made 2 threads. The first one you just hadn't thought of a half way excusable reason yet so when someone else brought it up you made a new one with that excuse.
  6. AV Loyal Player

    Add BR to the end! Drives the ladies wild.
  7. Tskales Well-Known Player

    I did. The proof is in the link i posted.
    I wanted to take away names from people who weren't using them anymore. Nice attempt at twisting what i said.
    The issue to do with people creating names littered with numbers and random letters was part of my original proposal. The whole idea was based around that. Try not to tell lies.
    The first one was well thought out, and almost identical to the second. The difference was that someone proposed a better way of dealing with the issue i presented, however i could no longer edit my OP and the discussion was already in full swing. I therefore created a second thread with an updated version of what i proposed.
  8. Multiverse Creator League

    How many of those "1,521,373,912 two word combinations" would actually make up a good name??

    Sure "Jock Strap" is a two word combo that MIGHT work.... but there is NO way in Hades that I would ever use such a name.... even as a joke.

    Also a lot of those words are filtered out.

    For example Magneto is an invalid name. And Magneto does not seem to work even if you combine it with another word. For example "Magneto FirstClass" would not work. It is also invalid. So adding XX was needed to get that name. And that was after lots of failed attempts.

    Lets try some of yours;

    Dr. Lodestone?? invalid
    Leyden man??? no way
    Dr. Faraday?? invalid... probably because of King Faraday

    Lots of what could acceptable names... not really good ones... but acceptable at worst..... are invalid.

    Other are taken.

    And others are just not good names. Leyden Man??? not a good name.... sorry.

    So if I have to chose between a name like Leyden Man or MAGNETOxxFirstClass.... it's no contest.

    As for typing it in??? When is the last time you needed to type in any name??

    You can get the name in the nearby tab or the recent text tab... etc.
    • Like x 1
  9. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    Right.... ok then. Since you offered to tally up the results of that and post them to show how the community felt..... how did that idea go over? I would LOVE to see the numbers if you would be so kind.
  10. Tskales Well-Known Player

    I didn't offer to do anything. I already stated that it appeared that there were more people against it than in favour of it.

    Here is where i said that very thing to you,

  11. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    You didn't huh? dictionary.com -> Go look up the word "summary"
  12. DSug176 New Player

    I agree, it can sometimes be difficult to find a good name. My beta character was a hero named Shockwave which I recreated at launch. Although I rarely use the character anymore, I keep him just to have access to the name. I've usually lucked out with the names I've chosen: Cobra Plissken is my main villain, modeled after Snake Plissken (a name which I assumed would have been taken); other villains I created were Flame Vixen and Dark Locke (based off of the "evil" John Locke from LOST). My heroes are Cloaked Archer (which I might change), Patriotica, and Arctic Belle. It just requires a bit of creativity. But I've come across a lot of names and league names that are just so stupid-looking that I can't take them very seriously.

    It's also sort of unfortunate that we're limited to using one space in-between names. I had a low-level alt named EvilLeaper Alia (a character from Quantum Leap), but the name looked stupid because it should be 3 separate names, so I deleted her. And there have been times where a name I really wanted to use was already taken: Sam Beckett, Sylar, Dark Willow. As for Sam Beckett, I compromised with the name Samuel Beckett. But it just wasn't the same, so I deleted him too. The most recent villain I created a while back, I wanted to name her Scarlet Sorceress; but it was taken so I chose the genderless Scarlet Magician instead. And I really don't want to use that name because the leader of my league is named White Magician and he might think I'm trying to copy him, lol!
    • Like x 1
  13. TheRealDeathern New Player

    You just have to be a little creative, think outside the box, and possibly re-design your character is all. I only have one toon with an "X" at the end of his name, a villian, and he is named after my main hero. I wanted people in my leagues to know who they were talking to regardless of the faction we were playing...
  14. Tskales Well-Known Player

    A summary is way of presenting something in a compact form. A tally is method of scoring.

    I gave you a brief observation of how i felt the idea had been received. I did not count the thumbs up and positive responses vs the negative ones, i also didn't offer to that because it wasn't necessary. It was already clear that there were more people in opposition than in favour, and i had no problem admitting that.
  15. crownclownking New Player

    lol @ you seriously you snowflakes ease up on us non creatives. Op if all the decent anmes are taken perhaps an indecent name just think about it . lol
  16. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    Summary - a comprehensive and usually brief astract, recapitulation, or compendium of previously stated facts or statements.

    Key word here being comprehensive. Saying "it was mostly negative" is not very comprehensive. If you aren't prepared to do the leg work then don't offer a service. Try not to tell lies. ;)
  17. crownclownking New Player

    hold your horses snowflake we all ready have a 2000 cash limit do you want to see more threads on the cash limit i think not.
  18. darkmoon caverns New Player

    What if the name you want is X?
  19. Tskales Well-Known Player

    So your issue now is that you're unsatisfied with the amount of information i gave you? That one of the words i used was wrong? Or are you just desperately nitpicking for things to use against me because everytime you attacked me i kept shooting you down?

    Also, "summary" still doesn't mean "tally".
  20. Demon's Robot New Player

    I don't even UNDERSTAND why numbers are nessecary in the name...

    I tried Devils Robot, then Jersey Devil's Robot, then I came up with Demons Robot.

    I even tried to make characters BASED on science, I came up with Speeding Atom, then Speeding Molecule!

    So why can't you make a name CLOSELY related to the actual name?