Omaar's HL dps guide.

Discussion in 'Oracle’s Database (Guides)' started by OMAAR, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. bedovean New Player

    Does this also include core strength like every other one of ur calculations does
  2. OMAAR New Player

    Yes it does.
  3. OMAAR New Player

    I'll check it on Sunday. Seems much better.
  4. OMAAR New Player

    Haven't calculated dot's yet. ST's dots we always wierd sometimes doing 6 and sometimes only 2 ( yes it's true ).
  5. OMAAR New Player

    I'll repost new numbers with no core strength tonight. It should help you.
  6. OMAAR New Player

    No core strength precision/might/weapon dps values on top.

    GH is 2.5 for you.
  7. bedovean New Player

    Omar, your numbers for WCS and CDM are honestly stupid. I know saying that is blunt, but its true. Look at it from this perspective. You are saying that doing CDM at 2.3(which is doable with ease) is lower then doing WCS at 1.2. So doing a combo with a stacking 8 dots (which add up to around 50*8) FASTER then doing 2 rotations of WCS in 2.4 seconds. That just does not make since and is an unreal representation of numbers.

    ST=GH-5 percent modifier
    GH gets a 50 percent modifier from ST+10 percent for core strength

    ST gets a 45 modifier except for core strength

    With CDM you get 8 dots from GH and 4 dots from ST(count 3 if you are trying to be safe)

    WCS gets 2 dots from ST(count 1 if you are going to be safe)

    therefor if the numbers are posted again and these details are not taken into consideration, I will either ragepunch my television screen or stop posting, because this has literally been a topic of discussion f or 40 freaking forum pages because people want real numbers and not crappy representations without dots. You cant just "not count dots" because that does not give you real damage.

    The combo can be done at 2.3 speed. I would have it on the spreadsheet at 2.5 average time giving it 1 second higher then 2 rotations of WCS. After you add those numbers in you will see the immense difference this really is.
  8. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    He has CDM at 2.5 not 2.3

    But yes DoT ticks need to be represented. They do effect the DPS. It's also why our RSFV is higher than just Gh-fan + RSF, because it allows the ST part to do more dot ticks before being applied again. Not much higher but it's higher. If DoT ticks account for 200+ damage it's not something that should be considered negligible IMO.
  9. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    I agree with bedo. On PS3, CDM can easily be done at 2.4 seconds. The exact same time as 2 rotations of WCS. Gh's dots will stack and St's dots won't be overridden until the next time you do St which is twice the amount of time as in WCS.

    For all HL users, CDM is clearly and indubitably better than WCS. But you don't have to use it.
  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Just want to add, before anyone says "well st-fan is obviously faster" it most definetly is, BUT it's so fast that the cooldown timer hinders it .
    So alernating eats up a little of that time probably around .1s, which is why it can be done just as quick as 2X st-fan.
  11. bedovean New Player

    Aye jeebie for sure. Also counting the dot at 50x8 which is very mid range that's an added 450 damage from GH and 150 from st

    St will have 50-100 increase using that number for WCBS but for cdm a 150-200 increase
  12. Bishop New Player

    I don't know if your hostility from earlier on is surging again because OMAAR said he hasn't sorted DoTs yet. Yes he has posted numbers for combos including DoTs but he has already prefaced by explaining his deduction of DoT calculations or lack thereof so anyone reading the sheet is at fault for misinterpretation. That being said, I do agree you cannot ignore DoTs but I do not think it was is mandate in doing so.

    Right now I am finding myself closer to discovering the Light combo bug, at least PC side as I have found other players are either bug free or are riddled with this. My deduction has led to one or a combination of the following:

    Power ST's jump action is affecting Construct Fan exhibited by noticing Power GH- Construct Fan works if you let Fan activate on the ground.

    Power Ram- Construct Whiptrash clipping is carrying the construct mechanism through Power ST(or whatever Power clip you use) therefore overriding any possibility of correctly forming the second Construct after Power Ram-Construct WT. This can be exhibited by letting Construct WT animate for a minimum 1/2 to 1second before clipping and any clipped Power will create a Construct successfully.

    Hardware isn't synchronous to clipping mechanism interactions which is clearly exhibited by hardware differences in PC users either having "no bugs whatsoever" to those with complete failure of Construct mechanisms. I plan to further test this by repeating the combos above when I install my PS3 controller and I borrow someone else's wired mouse and keyboard.

    Will follow up most likely on Sunday.

    Other findings are that FFF is excellent in T5 raids, been out-DPSed considerably but has mid to high power consumption and that power consumption in T5 raids is greatly affecting my choice of rotation currently RSF-FFF-ST/F/GH-F (whatever it's called) and unfortunately at the moment I cannot do FFF until I this bug is fixed.

  13. OMAAR New Player

    1. Your free to agree or disagree with my numbers
    2. Calling my numbers incomplete better than stupid would be a better statement.
    3. You guys have been arguing for pages on end on a combo that is subpar to FFF by far.
    4. My life has more than 1 hobby. I am doing some things for Borderlands 2 krieg, A comprehensive DIY Turbo guide for my car, My cherry trees have finally blossomed and need picking, Gym and work.

    I don't live and breathe DCUO and cannot update this daily because it's impossible. There will be mistakes. You guys are free to start your own daily updated guide if your unhappy with the pace.
  14. bedovean New Player

    You all are misjudging my annoyance with aggression. I am not trying to down anyone or say anyone is stupid. If that is how i came off then i apologize. But you must realize that the same frustration you are having is what I am facing as well. You say this move is "sub par" to FFF without fully representing the damage. You are basically cutting out 500+ damage from DoT's which gives you a false representation of what is good and what isnt. FFF is of course good, but not at all times should you use FFF, not to mention not everyone has the confidence or gear to make them able to FFF all bosses. You then TELL people to use WCS instead of CDM because the false representation shows that the move does more damage.

    I can understand not counting ST dots if they are inconsistant, but GH dots are a consistant thing. They stack, therefor always hit until the target dies. I am only being forceful about this because i have recieved many messages asking why the numbers that are shown through the creater or this guide are wrong. I then feel the need to prove what is true and what is not true.

    Not counting the dots for GH and ST would be like me going to sore's nature guide and posting damage values not counting dots. Its incorrect. I apologize if I came off harsh, but as you said this has been a topic of discussion for 40+ forum pages and I would like to resolve this so we can move on testing other things.

    if you take a low estimate of the dots they are around 51 damage each. This is not including crits and is at 2150 might which is much lower then Omar does his calculations in. that being said 8 dots from GH and a very generously low estimate of 3 from ST means that 11 dots are missing. The dots from ST are a tick higher but for ease just do 11x50. that is 550 damage, then divide that by 2.5. That means 220 DPS(low estimate and lowball in general) is missing from this combination.

    And that puts it above ANY dps move for single target on the charts. And that is at a 2.5 speed which is slow for this rotation
  15. bedovean New Player

    BTW only reason I am getting mad is that I want to help the community, and by leaving off information that is not a help but a hindrance. My feeling is if you are not going to attempt to do the math correctly, then don't do it at all. I regard Omar with very very high respect and look up to him. Do not in any way think i have ANYTHING against this man at all. He has done more for HL then I will ever do and i mean that. I love you Omar, so fix your shitz XD <3
  16. McDonaloid Active Player

    -_- reeeeeal piece of work.
  17. OMAAR New Player

    Some interesting notes.
    GH has 8 ticks St has 9
    Initial obersevation: They both tick at 0.5 seconds. Meaning WCS sees 3 ticks. CBN would see 5 ticks of St and 5 ticks of GH ( taking cbn as 2.5 seconds )The actual stacking ( due to GH being 8 ) would mean 3 of the previous ticks would stack.

    So CBN would see a total of 5+5+3=13 ticks.

    For 2.9 seconds it would also mean 13 ticks

    This ( meaning stack per seconds ) should be recorded and seen exactly before solid number are put.

    When doing the math ticks are NOT DEVISED by time but as a solid bulk number ( # of ticks per second of combo ), but again the full number of ticks isn't taken into account either ( would be 17 ) because we are assuming that the combo is done over and over and\or the mob does by then end of the combo.

    What I do not know yet is wether the ticks are influenced by the previous buff of the power preceding this or is it I influenced directly by the power that activates it.

    Meaning ( without dots ) Gh-Fan1/St-Fan2

    FAN1 and St are influenced by GH's 45% modifier, FAN2 and GH are influenced by Fan's 50% modifier.
  18. bedovean New Player

    so WCS should see 2 ticks due to it being 1.2 combo
    and CBM should see 5 ticks being a 2.5 second combo

    So when making this equation, we are taking 8 GH dots x saidamountdamage that it ends up being for GH and that is 1 bulk number and upgrading the modifier to 50mod from ST for the DoT and the initial damage

    For ST we make sure it has a 45 modifier with 5 dots

    Then we do the same with ST for 5 dots. and then WCS for 2 dots. This is exactly how i was counting them. 5 for CBM from ST 8 for GH. For WCS-2 from ST

    Thank you for looking into this. It just kills me when this actually makes the world of differences in numbers. If my spreedsheet ends up being at all accurate to your numbers, CDM and any GH combo goes up around 200 dps from your previous calculations
  19. OMAAR New Player

    ST/GH dots 2.45 30
    Will check numbers again.
    More later.
  20. OMAAR New Player

    1.2 is three ticks the 0.2 is a start to the third tick.
    But there is a delay before ticks start. Untill I scrutinize it by camera the time is an estimation.

    The whole NOT DEVISED by time needs a careful relook as that system doesn't work when comparing combos to each other as well ( it was taken directly from my old calculations ) Because you are actually taking time to activate that combo.

    Again I need time for it as final numbers cannot be flung.

    I was seeing 16-49 damage numbers. And so far it was not affected by the claw's 35%.

    The whole dot thing needs some good time on it.